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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Physio Ball as 3rd years

3rd physio ball: so strange to be there as a 3rd year. I dont really feel like that but we are the OLD ones, the ones that actually go out there next year for placements with REAL patients. I remember us in 1st year, looking up to them, thinking, omg they must know sooo much. Hmmm I am not too sure it that applies to us as well. We all need a major confident boost for next year cos everyone scares the s**** out of us everytime we have an information session or something. I will write a lot about this I guess cos that takes up most of my mind, more and more the further we get to the end of this semester ie next week. We should have enough knowledge to help ANY patient with ANY problem. AHHHHH....we could be on ICU ward in the hospital, managing patient coming out of general anaesthetics with massive wounds, a million attachments, ventilation, burns, major diseases, cancer, tumours, brain injuries, heart attacks anything why you could have surgery..and THERE U GO....make him function again, get him up his feet, BUT dont make him worse....F-R-E-A-K O-U-T!! But this post is about the ball...

Roweena, our favourite lecturer, our physio mum, had her birthday that night and EVERYONE just loves her. She is wicked. Anyway, Jared held a speech and the whole room with like 200 guests ish were screaming and clapping when she came on the stage and then we all sang her happy birthday and gave her the biggest hip-hip- HURRAAAYYY i have ever heard. She cried, it was touching. And she always comes to our parties, even to some private 21sts, she is always there and just lovely.

pretty girls

Not sure if you remember, but that was my MASSIVE weekend. I was playing volleyball till 6pm, rushed home as soon as I had the medal around my neck and got ready within half an hour including hair. I came home to these three girl having occupied the bathroom for the past two hours. Getting ready together is always good fun. Thank god we had maysam cos she is an expert with hair in comparison to us useless and impatient girls.

Soph, Sam and Sara- they all living together as well. That's the other awesome shared house, its th official pre-party house

have to show off the dress, love love love low back dresses (not a very good scapula/shoulderblade position, anna some work to do there)

Sweet young Maysam (she only turns 20 in November) oh I am ooooold. She will graduate with 21!!!! insane!

physio couple no.1

men love

bahaha...the Günkel's eye.... very sexy ;)

norwegian-german love...eva is the best flatmate =) we laugh so much at home cause we share this tiny winky teeny little bit of european craziness... :-P

Agnieszka...more Norwegian influence. She totally fits into our house and we cant even notice that we have an extra person living with us, really easy going.

Jason and myself

Martha and Dan aka Mr Midnight (he always sang that bluesy song when he put the mask on)

Sabba and me....Maysam and her are our Muslim girl we have in our course

uuhm...not quite sure...."No, no more photos...." the night is obviuosly progressing

our deal included free drink from 7pm till midnight including beer, wine and sparkling. Orange juice and sparkling it was, for the rest of the night, in masses...oh and Jägerbombs in between, OF COURSE, haha. If you go out with Eva-Linn, they are a must and you will NEVER go home without having them.

It sounds insane, but I managed to go to the volleyball tourney in the morning, was only at like 10am so that was easy and even worked at night but I have to admitt, I had to recover the whole week. It was worth it!!! No more parties now, being a good girl concentrating on the other important things in life, haha, like uni!

Friday, October 16, 2009

That just made my day...

Thursday is my long work day, my shift starts at 7am and goes through till 3 pm ish, depending how busy we are. I used to take the train to work but a month ago or so, I realized how close the city actually is if I cut through Southbank (artifical beach and huge parkland area) and cross over the river on that particular bridge. Anyways, this morning I ran to work which only takes me 35 minutes on the way there cos downhilll and stuff and that is just beautiful along the river, the sun already up, heaps of other people running/cylcing etc and I am more than switched on for the day. The way back is usually not that nice because my legs are quite heavy after running around all morning and so is my belly I filled up with soo much yummy food from the hotel breakfast buffet (as much as I can eat in 30 mins, haha) and I am most likely tired too. But since it is so hot at the moment, I ran to Southbank, jumped into my bikini and jumped into the water and made a pitstop for a good half hour, relaxed in the sun under the palm trees, cooled down in the water and refreshed for the second half of the run home. My point was....Anna what an awesome idea to pack the bikini, that swim was just DELICIOUS =) Love summer, love water!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mein erstes Mal.... diesem jungen Herrn da.... :-P

Anna und Pferd, das ist wie Schokolade und Chilli, im ersten Augenblick kann man sich die beiden nicht vorstellen aber wenn man es mal probiert, scheint es gar nicht mal so abwägig.

Ja tatsächlich, die Anna ist noch nie geritten, aber einmal ist immer das erste Mal. Eine Freundin von Ryan, Kate, hat 5 Pferde und sie wollte immer unbedingt was mit mir machen (ohne Ryan, hehe) und so kam es, dass sie mich zu ihren Pferden eingeladen hat.

Wir sind doch ein Grundstück ihrer Freundin geritten, das war 285 Acre groß- ein acre hat 4000m2. War also riesig. Ganz normal für Australien aber. Natur pur, war ziemlich cool aber leider auch sehr trocken momentan. Das ist der Grund warum es eher gelb/bräunlich als grün aussieht.

Ein Highlight für mich war natürlich mal wieder das wildlife. Wir haben insgesamt 12 Känguruhs gesehen, die waren aber so schwierig zu fotografieren....weil....ja ratet mal....GENAU, weil die Känguruhs, ja die hupfen ja ganz mächtig schnell und die Anna ist nicht so bombensicher im Sattel.... im obigen Bild hab ich aber eine Mama mit ihrem Kind ins Visier bekommen, die haben uns ewig beobachtet. Voll süß die Dinger, wie sie so auf ihren Hinterbeinen stehen und ihren Hals in die Höhe recken :)


Ich hab mich fei (oh yeah, ich wärme mein Fränkisch langsam wieder auf, da ich ja schon in 39 Tagen wieder zurückkomme, gey?) far net doof angestellt, denn normalerweise trottet man nur das erste mal und fängt auch in der Manege an, wenn man das erste Mal aufm Pferd sitzt aber wir sind gleich los in die Wildnis. Bissl mulmig wars mir ja schon auf diesem riesen Ding, das sich meiner Meinung nach total unrhytmisch unter mir bewegt hat, sodass absolut versteiftes Festklammern angesagt war :) Na aufjedenfall ich hab "gemacht": walk, trot und canter....und anscheinend ist das super fürs erste Mal. Aber ist schon schwierig sich da aufm Pferd zu halten, war scarry manchmal weil ich ja doch nicht wirklich so super die Kontrolle über das Pferd hatte. Naja ich hab mich festgeklammert und die Luft angehalten wenns schneller ging, haha :) Ich acknowledge jetzt auch, dass Reiten ein Sport ist, denn ich hab geschwitzt wie nochmal was und meiner inner thighs haben gebrannt :) Supi Erfahrung!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

One night in egypt

Cheers to Mandy, she celebrated her 40th birthday and gave us an overall arab experience...I know her through Ryan, she used to train with us and her ex husband used to be my coach when I lived further south with Ryan. Now she stopped playing and Ryan and me are part of an organized squat- sandogs and sandivas!

the whole house was decorated so nicely, absolutely amazing, pharaos everywhere, a huge sphinx that welcomed us, traditional food, a big lounge made of pillows and curtains like in 1001 nights.

her big balcony transformed into a big arab lounge

Baz and Ryan. Not sure if you remember Baz from photos when I was backpacking, he is a good friend from my time in Cairns but he moved to Adelaide but might be back to Brisvegas now, yahay. He organized World Tour Events for Beachvolleyball, the one in Stavanger/Norway for example. He is such a good event coordinator.

Ok so before you scroll down, breath in deeply cos I went to the hairdresser the other day because I felt like a change....

my costume, made up of from scratch from stuff from home, didnt turn out too bad ay

this amazing cake, not sure what it is called but it is this tower (half a metre high) consisting of these yummy balls filled with cream and covered with this lines of caramel....soooooooo yummy and I think super difficult to make. Awesome present I think.

Ryno and me
Me, Mandy and Michael (Ryan used to live with him back in that first house where I used to live too. Now Ryan moved closer to the city and lives now with my supervisor/friend Mark)

Look at this, isnt that amazing. The food was authentic, someone made cocktails all was just perfect

My new hairdue in close up. Man I tell you, I was scared to dye my hair AND cut it short....whole different look, isnt it!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Midsemester celebrations

We had two very tough weeks of exams two weeks ago. As soon as we survived those, we had to celebrate- of course :-P A whole heap of physios went to "DUB" which is down under bar, a very crazy backpacker place. U have to be a student or foreigner to get in, and people cut loose in there, just as u do when u r a backpacker ;) Its good to get that feeling again once in a while, this ultimate FREEDOM. Anyways, our group danced thru the whole night, also had Kelly turning 21...realllll good fun!

Uhmmm yup, no comment, noone really knows why the boys just felt like taking their shirts off????....yeah exactly right....BOYS!!!! Well it's good facebook material, how good is it to tag someone in a photo like this...oh now i get it, thats why everyone looked at me so angry the day after LOL. just kidding, I didnt even take the photos. Oh and it was ladies night that night so there was a male striper and he was so hilarious, such a bad performance, he didnt even get the beat, but again, good fun. Once in a while its quite amusing!

Jason and me having predrinks

Eva me and Agnieska (Eva's friend from Norway who is staying with us until December)

Eva me and Patrick, he is the funniest guy ever, he cracks me up every time I see him. Such good value!

Friday, October 09, 2009

Maaaasive weekend

Ohoh manchmal wünschte ich mir doch ein Tag hätte mehr Stunden...dieses Wochenende wird der Knüller, Uni muss ich wohl wieder mal vergessen für ein paar Tage, lol.

Also Freitag abend, sprich gestern, hatten wir ein großen 21st birthday von einer Freundin, die sind hier ja riesig diese 21sts....100 Leute....dann später heute Samstag haben wir unser erstes Event von der Queensland Beachvolleyball Tour 2010, zum Glück hier in Brisbane, sonst hätte ich n ernsthaftes Problem gehabt. Bin super excited, cant wait to play and kick some a** ;) So dann heute Abend ist der große alljährliche Physioball, wohl der letzte weil als 4th geht man anscheinend da nicht mehr hin. Also auch ein Riesenevent und da die Mädels erst um 12 Uhr anfangen zu spielen, die Jungs haben schon angefangen heute morgen, hoffe ich mal dass ich nicht eine von denen bin, die bis 9Uhr abends spielen muss weil der Ball schon um 7 Uhr losgeht und fertig machen muss ich mich ja auch irgendwann

Leah me und Katie...Katie ist ja meine team in the worrrrld :-P

Ursprünglich hatte ich geplant, heute am Samstag am späten Nachmittag, gesetzt dem Fall unsere Spiele hätten es zugelassen und wir wären einigermaßen früh fertig gewesen, aufs Oktoberfest von Brisbane mit den ganzen Leuten von der Arbeit (social club of the hotel) zu gehen, so nach der Art "Dirndl an, aus, nächstes Kleid an und ab zum Ball". Naja der Spielplan hat mir dann nen Strich durch die Rechnung gezogen und ich bin ziemlich "bummed" dass ich nicht mit den ganzen Köchen, Restaurant Leuten, Supervisorn etc Bier trinken gehen kann. Voll doof, für den letzten Monat, hat mich mindestens eine Person pro shift von irgendeinem department gefragt ob ich denn hingeh...."NEIN und nächstes Thema"

We party but also play and perform...we never argue on court or blame each other or any of that crap...just a really harmonic team that helps to pull and fire each other up if down .
I love her. Come on Team Sharp/Guenkel!!!!

Naja kann nicht alles haben. Irgendwie muss ich es dann schaffen morgen früh nach dem Ball, wir haben free drinks von 7pm till 12pm...wieder Volleyball zu spielen, hoffentlich semi finals und dann den Tag noch noch keinen Plan dafür oder wie das passieren soll...ich schwör mal auf Berocca (so n Vitamintabletten Drink), greeeeeaaassssyyyyyyy food before I go home und .... naja und dann einfach Sunnies on und STAMINA...durchhalten Abend muss ich dann wieder arbeiten, was aber nicht so schwer wird nehm ich an. Montag Uni??? Ähm....nooooope! =) LOVE LIFE =)! Wünscht mir Glück für heute und morgen!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Why I love Australia...

...heute ist Freitag, letzter Ferientag, ich steh auf, die Sonne scheint, keine Wolke am Himmel, frühstücke, geh am river entlang laufen mit der Sonne auf meinem Rücken, schnelle Dusche, schwing mich auf mein Radel und fahr nach Southbank zur Lagune, treff Freunde, geh baden und mich abkühlen, fahr wieder nach Hause, stopp am fruit store, kaufe 2x 250gr boxes mit Erdbeeren für umgerechnet 12 euro cents each (bargaaaaaaain) kommts...meine erste MANGO für diese Saison. Daheim angekommen, nochmal duschen und meine Früchte. Die Mango ist sooooooooo lecker, so süß und ganz weich, keine strings in den Zähnen wenn man reinbeißt, einfach nur mouthwatering. Ich liebe einfach das stetig gute Wetter, den lifestyle und mein Essen hier....die frischen tropischen Früchte sind mein 2nd lover, sorry Ryan haha =) ok soviel zu meinem Enthusiasmus für heute. Jetzt geh ich arbeiten. Jaja auch ich hab meine commitments hier, ist nicht immer nur party party oder Strand :-P