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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Friday, July 25, 2008

Danke, Thank you and Gracias

Thanks for all the super nice birthday greetings that I received, I was overwhelmed how many people were thinking of me, I got soo many texts, calls, mails, greeting cards, postcards, proper mail from overseas and facebook or studi vz entries :-O From Germany, different parts in Australia, Holland, Norway, Columbia, Egypt...pretty cool. Couldnt get back to you all, sorry! Thanks guys!

Zurück zum Ernst des Lebens

On the last Sunday in the hols we had to get together again to drain our sorrows that we have to go back to uni again. After the 3rd semester we are supposed to already know half of the theory, that's scarry. At the end of this year, so when I hopefully will have my 4th semester completed, I am HALFWAY through to be a real physio anywhere in the world. OMG. That was a great start on Monday with people being hungover or already bailing on the first lectures. I did bail too but I was at work so not too bad :) We chilled out next to the pool in the arvo, then had a barbie and played a drinking game. Fortunately I had to leave to work that night before it got too serious's always good fun with a pool nearby....lotsa dare games or punishments....HAHA.

the physio crew....the people that can actually party AND study =) Since everybody who is doing the physio course is generally seen as a geek, we are the coool nerds LOL

Monday, July 21, 2008


hier nocheinmal mit meinen jugendlichen 21 geht abwärts von nun an. Worauf freut man sich denn nach dem 21 ten? Hä? Naja zumindest musste ich das Foto noch nicht bearbeiten-haha...

Heute hat ja wieder die Uni angefangen, der Wahnsinn, wo sind die 4 Wochen Ferien hin, schwup di wup im Nirgendwo....aber nicht allzu schlimm. Ich war mal wieder Musterschülerin number one, musste in der früh arbeiten, hab somit meine erste lecture um 10 gleich mal verpasst, sehr vorbildlich, nach der Arbeit bin ich dann zu der lecture um 2 Uhr gegangen, hab eine Freundin auf dem Weg getroffen und die hat mich schon wieder diese ganzen Sachen gefragt ob ich denn dies und jenes auf blackboard gesehen hätte und die notes ausgedrückt hätte und dies und das und das einzige was ich sagen konnnte "I managed to enroll myself for the courses in time including an elective that doesnt clash with any other courses so thats it for a while, haha, sorry don't have a clue what's going on, I don't know what building we are in, not sure bout lecturer, don't have any notes and know nothing" haha typisch me =) Aber ich hatte zumindest nen Kulli in meiner Handtasche und nen zusammengerollten Collegeblock (sonst passt er ja nicht in meine haaandbaag ) mit 3 Seiten....all under control. I really should get organized, can't get bothered but....the time will come ;) push button...du dum du dum....ihr seht schon, not focused yet :)

Mein Zimmer schaut aus wie nach nem Bombenangriff, aber ist ja nicht meine Schuld wenn die Klamotten nach 6 Monaten in dem Zimmer hier immer noch nicht den Weg in den Schrank finden PF.... :-P Aber ich war noch in der gym heute abend und hab relaxed in der Saune...soo good, lovin it! Man muss Prioritäten setzen, wa?!

Morgen arbeite ich morning shift von 6am bis 2pm....und das an meinem Geburtstag....yes törtchen....oh mann meine Gedanken sind echt all over the place right now....aber ich krieg wieder breakfast buffet vom Feinsten, das macht für das Aufstehen wett, dann kurz in die Uni und dann muss ich mal schauen womit mit Ryan überrascht, werden wohl ausgehen for dinner. Und am Samstag steigt dann die fette Party, yaaaay, ich machs bei Sara weil die ein mega großes Haus haben, Raclette selbst bedienung, BYO booze und dann kanns losgehen =) So jetzt geh ich aber in die Heia sodass ich morgen rauskomm, mich auf morgen vorbereiten uni geht noch nicht...muss erst warmlaufen aber dürfte nicht zu schwierig werden morgen, mogel ich mich schon noch durch. "Nur" n prac...ohoh....

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Life as a student

Hey guys... I was wondering what your favourite-budget-but-still-yummy-and-maybe-healthy-student-meal was.
Maybe we get some good ideas suitable for the wallet of a student. Just post your favourites in my guestbook. Hope I get some inspirations =)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another night out

out on the balcony at Fridays, just the most beautiful view ever...

finally I got Ryan to come out with me....I lost him and his friend quite quickly though, oh well, at least we tried

yeah finally it is official between jared, our clumsy bear and Sara...puhh... I knew from the beginning but wasn't allowed to tell anybody but people tried to squeeze me out like a fresh orange. And most of you guys know what a bad liar I am, pressure is off now, yay. Hottest physio couple!

nothing is safe from clumsy bear, toilets, showers or statues.... ;)

two that found each other...haha

"Hey Anna, quick, that's facebook stuff." I am always in situ with my camera and document every single physio piss up. Good to show that these very very nerdy and ambitious physio students can have fun, too. Jared, clumsy bear, is super smart, you wouldnt think that as he is always drunk and always up for crazy things :-P But yeah, one of the best students of the course.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Annamobil II

The time had come that my Annamobil the second needed some mechanical assistance. Since it was with me, it had this little vice to be moodily, but not only once a month, as you would expect it from the female genus, but totally randomly. Sometimes everything was fine for a week, sometimes we got in trouble every day.

The problem was, it then didnt like to start. I knew that from the beginning and knew how to put things right. If Annamobil II decided to have one of HER days, I had to open the front lid, holding a part of the old metal brakes in my hand and give the distributor (sounds as I knew what I am talking about, I do NOT, I only know where this particular sore spot is-haha) a little and gentle tab, or tab tab, or tab tab tab tab tab.... lately it became more of a tab tab, still not working, getting out of car again, tab tab tab and that three times in a row. But after this little intervention, Annamobil II felt better again and started.

As just mentioned, lately, this little "massage" didn't seem to comfort my lady and I had to repeat a few times while I was getting a bit anxious thinking I am stuck in the middle of the night. So the end of the story is, that after a one day and a couple of hundred dollar and pluy surgery, Annamobil II is now a proud owner of a super new distributor and seems totally happy and ALWAYS starts.

I really didn't mind to give these little massages every now and then- why would I study physio then,ay - especially when it happened at a public place and men were hoping to have spot a female blond victim with a car that doesnt no....I had such a routine in that, quickly openend the door, graped my metal, usually barefoot as it's not allowed to drive with thongs, quickly ran around the car to the front, opened it, always confident and head up high ;) tab tab, magic magic, simsalabim...three quick steps back into the car, threw brakes on back seat, turned the key and TADAAA it worked and the onlookers' faces obviously changed into a big question mark ??? Loved these situations HAHA, magician Anna.

But nevertheless, it's quite a relaxing feeling to step into your car knowing that when you turn the key around your car actually does start. Pretty cool for me =) I didn't want to spend the money but considering that the moods came more frequently and that I have to drive home very late at night after work quite often I considered it to be the smarter option.

When I caught the bus to get my baby back from the mechanics, I took this very pretty picture from the bridge over the motorway...happy that I always take my camera, you never know. If you were just looking out to the front, you would have only seen cars cars and busy roads but lifting your eyes above the horizon, you were granted a very nice view

Friday, July 11, 2008

Winter in Sommerland

Jaja selbst im sommerlichen Australien wird es im Winter doch schon ganz kalt. Auch wenn wir tagsüber meist noch Flip Flop und T-Shirt Temperaturen von 20-25 Grad haben, wird es, sobald sich die Sonne versteckt, doch schon recht kühl.

Momentan hat es nur 8 Grad, halb ein Uhr nachts...*bibber* Jetzt stellt euch noch so total super isolierte Holzhäuser vor, auf Stelzen, mit Schlitzen im Fussboden, mega dünnen Wänden, Fenster die zwar geschlossen sind aber doch nicht wirklich schließen und KEINE heizung....kalt.

Die meisten Aussies ziehen sich dann eben nen Pulli an und Socken, was ja sonst nicht passiert oder verkriechen sich im Schlafsack. Niall, mein flatmate, zieht auch manchmal noch seine Mütze drüber...ulkiges Bild für mich, wie die Armen zuhause, die sich keine Heizung leisten können.

Die meisten aber haben nen kleinen heater und dann lässt es sich schon aushalten. Ich habe auch ein electrical blanket, das mein Bett in meine ganz eigene immer warme Kuscheloase verwandelt. LOVE IT, vorheizen, Decke drüber und dann später reinkuscheln und man muss nicht mal durch die erste kalte Phase, die man normalerweise durchstehen muss, wenn man ins Bettchen steigt. Kältester Tag des Jahres gestern mit 17° tagsüber und so um die 8° nachts....

Ist echt seltsam hier für mich, wirklich spiegelverkehrt-down under- denn jetzt ist es oft im Haus kälter als draußen. Es kam z.B. schon vor, dass ich mit Trainingsanzug und dicken Wollsocken im Haus rumgelaufen bin und mich dann in shorts und singlet und sunnies draußen auf den Balkon gesetzt habe...eine verkehrte Welt hier :)

Monday, July 07, 2008

Need some opinions

I have four subjects every semester and next year we can choose an elective. So I thought I can maybe finally take an advantage from the fact that I am studying on a foreign language and choose German as my elective :-P introductory course or something-haha- no studying and a very good mark I suppose.

But both of my brothers rather want me to use a subject where I actually learn something but I just got too tempted of not having to study hard for one subject as it always takes me longer to study for everything else as an international. But I guess, it's not that much about being lazy and earning good marks for it and paying for it.
So maybe I should choose a subject where I learn something from it.

Or what do you guys reckon? Have more time, not attend lectures and get a very good mark for it and enjoy the faces of everybody else-haha OR just the normal routine of a student with going to lectures, write assignments, write exams and only maybe get a decent mark.I dont know....hmm.....

Thursday, July 03, 2008


Ein Multifunktionssofa gekauft von einem Mädel aus `Schlaaaand von einem schwedischen Möbelhaus in Australien.....häääääääää??

aller Anfang ist schwer....und ich hatte die Hosen an beim Aufbau- ich hab das halt im Blut ;)

als Sofa....das war noch in meiner Lernphase...uiirgggg *verdräng*

als halb Bett/halb Sofa....perfekt zum 'aktiven' Chillen

oder ganz konventionell als Bett...GROSSES Bett, yay ich kann mich wieder bewegen ohne Angst zu haben aus dem Bett zu fallen- YES

bye bye single bed