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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another night out

out on the balcony at Fridays, just the most beautiful view ever...

finally I got Ryan to come out with me....I lost him and his friend quite quickly though, oh well, at least we tried

yeah finally it is official between jared, our clumsy bear and Sara...puhh... I knew from the beginning but wasn't allowed to tell anybody but people tried to squeeze me out like a fresh orange. And most of you guys know what a bad liar I am, pressure is off now, yay. Hottest physio couple!

nothing is safe from clumsy bear, toilets, showers or statues.... ;)

two that found each other...haha

"Hey Anna, quick, that's facebook stuff." I am always in situ with my camera and document every single physio piss up. Good to show that these very very nerdy and ambitious physio students can have fun, too. Jared, clumsy bear, is super smart, you wouldnt think that as he is always drunk and always up for crazy things :-P But yeah, one of the best students of the course.

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