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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Thursday, October 30, 2008


war smileys

msn smileys

I dont wanna show off or anything.....BUUUUUT i checked my results yesterday for my last prac exam about the elbow and hand, you know the scarry ones where you are in a cubicle with a "patient" and the examiner and u have to solve a problem on the spot.

war smileys

msn smileys

Anyway, so i checked it out and first I thought mine hasn't been assessed yet cos there was only one number in every column, but indeed, for every single category I got 7 out of 7.... meaning I scored a 100% how AMAAAAZING is that? That's so so so awesome.

war smileys

msn smileys

So happy about that because it incorporates prob solving, patient positioning, your own positioning, efficancy in treating, effectiveness in your manipulation, patient communication etc, all the things I consider to be very important as a good physio and I managed it, even the talking, yay yay yay. I keep dancing for the rest of the day...sorry physiology...not interested in you today...

war smileys

Everybody who doesnt know, but I'm nearly standing on your doorstep already. Here my plan:
This whole weekend, I play a Volleyball comp on the Sunshine coast and also stay up there, although i have exam on Monday and Thursday- naughty. Then another whole weekend of Volleyball but here in Brissi, again have exam on Monday,Tuesday and Thursday. It will all work out though, somehow. Thursday after 12 o' clock I will be smashed, Friday night Ryan and me stay in the hotel for free including food (you need to know what your hotel represents as an employee so we get to check it out) Saturday huuuuge "halfway through our degree party" indeed I'm halfway to be a physio who can help people in the very real life and hopefully change their lives to a better, I'm excited, then Sunday morning we drive up to Byron Bay, great party backpacker city on the coast, where we camp on the beach for three days, Wednesday I get home in the morning and quickly get organised so that I'm ready to step on the plane midday on Thursday and will arrive on the 21st in Munich at 5am.....uhhh can't believe it.

Having said that, I gotta get outside now, it's beautiful weather, my head soaked up enough information for today and I wanna relax before I go to work tonight. See you soooooon!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

fun times at home

yeah niall, we are eating, very exciting

apple pie and chocolate chip icecream...we all loved it. wir schleckermäuler...i chose the right flatmates :)

in der Ikea und alles hat in mein Annamobil II gepasst...

unfortunately the Iwar shelf made a crack in my windscreen...i was so pissed of about that unlucky incident

then I stained the shelf into dark chocolate (incident that i like that colour....uhm note...) in the living room on the floor....good that no authorities were there haha so i could do what i wanted just straight away without planning, just in the anna-way :)

I didnt even make it out of my PJs but I got so excited when I got up and wanted to start straight away.... my hands were sooooooooooooo dark.....

looooooooooook i will get ya..........then I will stain youuuuuuuu

when Eva moved in in my room and into my bed

we are such girls....polishing nails for the ball...

eva bought a bike and had to get a pic for her parents and i tried to get an action shot but you cant really see me ay :) its awesome to live with with eva, good fun, she is as crazy as I am and we laugh heaps, its great! She flies home to Norway just before me.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What am I up to?

Im Moment ist alles lila und wenn diese Bäume blühen ist es exam time. Ich hatte am Freitag meine letzte Vorlesung, diese Woche frei und dann zwei Wochen of exams, dann ein paar Tage durchfeiern (half way through the degree party und campen in byron bay the best backpacker city on the east coast) und dann sitze ich auch schon im Flieger nach Hause. Wahnsinn

Wie auch im letzten Semester hatten wir sehr viele assessments throughout the semester, so dass wir eigentlich nie faul sein konnten. So hatte ich 2 assignments due in der vorletzten Woche und noch ein prac exam in der letzten Woche. Das lief eigentlich wieder ganz gut, man gewöhnt sich nach und nach an die Situation nur mit einem "patient" und dem examiner in dem kleinen Raum zu behandeln und reden. Bin nicht mehr so aufgeregt und schaffe es super confident auszusehen auch wenn ich keinen Plan habe wovon ich rede oder ob ich die richtige Behandlung und patient handling demonstriere. Ich war eine der unlucky persons, denn ich hatte electrophysical agents, sprich due musst einer der vielen verschiedenen Maschinen die Strom oder Ultraschall o.ä. durch den Körper jagt, an den Patienten anlegen und safe duchführen. Und da gibt es einige Dinge wo man direkt durchfallen kann weil es nunmal gefährlich sein könnte. Noch dazu sind es tausend bescheuerte Zahlen und Einstellungen mit Watts oder Joules oder Volt und milliseconds und pulsed oder modulated etc pp die man sich merken muss für verschiedene Krankheitsfälle. Anyway, die settings hatte ich gelernt aber mit den Maschinen hatte ich mich nicht wirklich beschäftigt weil ichs hasse. So dann komm ich rein und was ist einer meiner Fragen, apply TENS für chronic later epicondylitis, Schock. Aber ich habs rausgefunden während ich freudig über die settings geplappert habe und ein Knopf nach dem anderen eingestellt habe. Zum Glück hab ich rausgefunden, dass da ne Klappe an der Maschine wa mit mehr Knöpfen drunter, ui ui, und so hab ich mich im exam während ich geprüft wurde damit vertraut gemacht, lol und es lief gut.

Neben uni arbeite ich vier mal die Woche und trainiere wieder Volleyball in nem richtigen girls squat. Wir werden gesponsort mit Bikinis und tausend Sonnenbrillen. Trifft sich gut weil ich die immer verliere, haha. So langsam glaube bin ich bissl verrückt, denn Training ist um 5:15 an meinem Uni campus, sprich ich steh um 4:45 auf und jogg dann mit meinem backpack zum Training. Aber ich treff immer einige Leute, andere Jogger, dann natürlich die Ruderer aufm Fluss und die Radelfahrer, deshalb ist es wohl doch nicht so unnatürlich so früh zu trainieren. Und dann geh ich auch noch in die gym so oft wie es geht, letzte Woche war crazy und ich hab in den 5 Tagen 7 mal trainiert. Saucool, man wird davon voll abhängig und ich werd so langsam auch richtig fit. Nicht dass ich jetzt abgenommen habe, liebe meine Schoki immer noch viel zu sehr als dass ich darauf verzichten würde aber habe schon viel bessere Kondition und muscle strenghts und muscle definitions, yay.

Wenn dann noch Zeit ist neben uni, work und training geh ich nach Hause und versuche was für die uni zu machen oder am Wochenende zu Ryan. Deswegen nicht böse sein, wenn ich mich nicht gemeldet habe, habe ich bei keinem weil ich einfach nie daheim bin, denn wenn ich morgens trainiere und abends arbeite dann gehe ich immer gleich ins Bett wenn ich abends heimkomme. Sorry guys.

Meine Klamotten schaffen es auch gar nicht mehr in den Schrank, haha, Papa du darfst nicht hinschauen, das sind bestimmt 3 Trommeln und Taschen und Schuhe....bügeln habe ich schon lange abgeschafft ;) Fühl mich wie ne Wühlmaus manchmal wenn ich schnell nach etwas suche. Aber wenn man jeden Tag trainiert, fällt so viel Wäsche an, deswegen fühl ich mich gar nicht schuldig :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Physioball 2008

ready to roll....

Every year, the physio department organizes a big ball, this year we had a ball again. It was a great night. I invited Mark and Kenton from work to be my "partners", although they are not part of the cool physio crew but since they are so much fun and I really like them, I thought, why not :) I introduced them to all my friends, they loved everyone and were surprised how open we are, not like a little group of nerds....was so much fun!

who wouldn't wanna be treated by one of these future physios... ;-)

Mark and Eva on the daaaance floor

ähm....eva where is your dress????? :-P

warming up with my very personal hairdresser and one of my drinks out of my knock-off-drinks collection from work, my shelf is FULL

Charlotte and me, another volleyball fanatic girl, but more indoor

in the foyer of the Hilton....the girls hated me that night cos I was wearing highheels, too.... I'm a giant *bohoo*

a whole heap of physios going off... ;) We had food and free Becks, Corona, Wine and Champaign, which was awesome but detrimental for some of us so they actually had to stop serving alcohol an hour early LOL the ball was held in the Hilton Hotel so there was not much room for behaving stupid I guess...

But it wasn't only us being slightly intoxicated...on of our lectures was just off her plot. To picture her, she is our "Mum" Physio, little elderly lady, bit bigger, very cushiony when she leans on you for treatment, always wearing a skirt and blouse....and now next picture...little old lady in the club "low low low low low low low low" hilaaarious. She also called Chris who couldnt come to the ball and left a message on his voice mail yelling "chris, where the h*** are you, I'm really disappointed...." We just love her

warming up at Martha's apratment

the two blondies

This time I didn't even bring my camera. Usually I am the party photographer and the persons that gets emails on the day after requesting pics and evidence for certain behavioural incidents... ;) still got a heap of photos together, wow....thanks to facebook

My dearest Sara and my teamleader from work Mark

we are getting a bit drunk I think....

das ist für Günkel's Opa, denn zu diesem speziellen Anlass habe ich sehr speziellen Schmuck getragen

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Bridge to Brisbane run

beginning of September, MJ's (that's the restaurant from the hotel I work at) nominated a team that would run the 10 km from the big Bridge to Brisbane city.

angespannt vor dem Start kurz nach sechs Uhr

und hier, still standing, nach dem run....also das ist Mark, mein Teamleader, dann ich, Kenton der Bar-man, Jad und Soozi. Wir sind der coole Trupp im Restaurant, haben immer jede Menge Spaß in unseren shifts, do social stuff together und gehen aus, machen immer das meiste Trinkgeld und laufen als MJ's Team bei diesem Riesen event mit und raisen money für Afrika. Meine Zeit war 58 Minuten, was ganz ok ist dafür, dass ich nicht so der wirkliche runner bin. Jetzt renn ich mehr, bin auf den Geschmack gekommen :) Mark und Jad waren ne Minute vor mir und Kenton und Soozi 5 Minuten nach uns.

Und danach....full buffet breakfast im Hotel....soooooooooo yummoooooooooooooo und reichlich. Wir hatten uns das aber auch verdient, stehen da in aller Hergotts Früh auf um für unsere Arbeit ein Rennen zu bestreiten. War aber cool, das Hotel hat alles gezahlt und ich war dabei, Bridge to Brisbane 2008 mit 37000 people....Brisbane war früh auf den Beinen that day

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Und der countdown läuft...

Didnt I just super recently say I broke the 100's down to 50 days....holy's getting close, can't believe it. Gotta start soaking up the sun before I get back into cold Germany. Can't wait for the whole proper winter and Christmas time though and of course to see you guys but it feels totally weird because it's getting hotter and hotter here again. Well, as usual I will say it's like going through a stargate from one world into the other

P.S. Anja is having a great time as far as I know and at the moment she is in Melbourne for Uni Volleyball games. I hooked her up with the volleyball people from down the Goldcoast, they are training at her campus...quite handy ay. That made me realize that I do know a quite a lot of people. I might have to disguise my German backround though because my coach tries to get me to play australian nationaltour for beachvolleyball but you are not allowed as an international, so psssst, haha :)

Spontaneous trip to the beach

Last day of uni before midsemester break and you would think motivation would be enormous because holidays are so close....after our one hour lecture at eight, we were chilling in the grass. The sun was so nice and of course someone was saying "oh how good would it be to be on the beach right now".... lots of nodding, a short moment of silence and then we are like "why not? lets go to the beach. sure next lectures wont be important...uhummm...even if....LETS GO TO THE BEACH, yay."

We all agreed instantly, there was no persuasion neccessary, tempation was just too big. Well we quickly got our bikinis and some food for a nice BBQ lunch. We had yummy chicken kebabs from the barbie with turkish bread and dips and fresh salad and watermelon and chocolate =)

One minute we were sitting on campus contemplating about uni, then we are already in the car singing "vamos ala playa...oh ohoh oh" and in the next minute we are "beached" ;) And i haven't even been to that beach, we went up north to the sunshine coast and after one hour we were already on vacation

That's what I love about being here...the summer lifestyle and awesome girlfriends who can be spontaneous and forget about everything and enjoy life- that was an instant holiday for me and my shift that night was easy peasy...