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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Soo klein ist die Welt....

Alex gegen Anna in D 2006

Ratet mal, wer mich morgen besuchen kommt....die Alex aus Hembach =) die Volleyballer werden unsere Alex alle kennen und wissen, dass sie Australien erkundet hat die letzten Monate. Und morgen kommt sie nach Brisbane *freu* Dann nehme ich sie doch gleich mal mit ins Training. Wenn sie dann da ist, gibts dann mehr Infos wieder..... bis dahin nicht vergessen auf ihre Seite zu schauen siehe "Alex in Oz" bei meinen Links in der rechten Spalte.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yummy- lecker schmecker

When Ryan was in Germany last year my mum and me showed him what a long night with lots of different food around a raclette- grill means- with a sceptical face and probably thinking "crazy germans" he turned out to be the biggest raclette-lover ever :-P Well, now I am here in Australia and I searched the WHOLE internet but couldnt even find anything similar :( Actually wanted my mum to buy one and send it over ;) One day, however, I looked through the aldi magazine- yes we do have aldi here with many german products- and was......raclette, i couldnt believe my eyes :) no question, ryan was one of the first customers who entered the store on that special morning and now we can have a real raclette here in down under- how coool is that?? you only start to appreciate things when you cant get it and thus our both excitement was quite big =)

The first free evening was used for a raclette night and we had EVERYthing, we could actually live from all these things for more than a week nearly. But a real raclette needs a big choice to be able to get really speciality, hay?! And apparently Ryan's as well, he had a double decker with egg and two pans and...kinda complex ;) He will impress you when he is coming over to Germany one day.

Speaking of things you cant get, check this out.... I went into that Deli shop the other day and then something was calling my name "here, look at me, I'm real, heeere" it looked like a proper bread, it smelled like a proper bread, it actually WAS a GERMAN rye bread, it eventually was bought by a proper bread lover and it turned out to taste like proper bread....... STUNNED! That was kinda exciting for me again :) Might be boring for you because it seems to be the most common thing in the world- bread- but not for me in a country like this: bread = wobbly, soft, white toast that wouldnt fill me up after 5 slices :-P It was soooo good, fresh dark bread with a crust, butter and honey-yummooooo!! You may think I'm crazy, hay? Well, that's me, A-N-N-A =)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hey, Hallo und Hi

Just very briefy: Hello to everybody :) Wanted to apologize that I don't have much time at the moment, not for mails and not for ICQ-chats either- sorry guys but I'm still in the midsemester exam- period and have A LOT of stuff to do. Two more exams to go, but unfortunately one subject I've been a bit slacky with and bio where I don't have a clue from anything- that's a course where I really feel as a foreigner cos it would be the same if sombedoy would talk in chinese. Have to try to catch up with the stuff over the next days and the weekend....Monday is Physio and following Saturday bio...that's shit cos really could have needed a full weekend for bio-chemistry. Well, I will find a solution and as soon as I will have finished my exams I gonna spend a weekend only for mails and updates and stuff. So long, stay patient, I am thinking of you but just don't have the time. Stay tuned and we gonna talk soon! Many Bussis from Australia xxxx

Monday, April 09, 2007

Scatterbrained Anna

Hey guys,

might sound funny but I really have to know it: Did I watch the movie "The Departed" or "Gridiron Gang" with any of you? Ryan and me got some movies and he wanted to get those two but I said I have seen both. He's like "No, you can't, they're brandnew, I think you are DREEAAAMIN' " I am 100% positive though.... maybe I've watched it in my last weeks in Germany?? But that's not really possible, is it? It's only been out on DVD in English...AHHH...Beanie JUST TOLD ME NOW "maybe on the plane???" THATS IT!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh....of course, why didn't I think of that?? Hm....S-C-A-T-T-E-R-B-R-A-I-N-E-D---Q-U-E-S-T-I-O-N-M-A-R-K lol okie problem solved, still publishing this though so that you can laugh about your "verplante" Anna :-P'Smileys'

Saturday, April 07, 2007

HAPPY EASTER to everyone!

Hope you are all enjoying your holidays and the one or the other easter egg, or a few more :) They have soo many different Easter sweets here, bit more commercial than it is at home but as I'm a chocolate fan(atic) :-P I love this huuuuge choice of chocolate bunnies and eggs and everything. You know what?? A little Lindt Easter Bunny costs 14 Dollars so bout 10 Euro....yeah it's really special over here. So once again, enjoy your free time and indulge the spring with its first warm sun layers and blooming flowers....sooo good, hay? Miss you!

Friday, April 06, 2007

We had to celebrate

My zombie-look with red eyes and just an overall exhausted appearance is slowly going away as I give myself time to relax now. So I went to Southbank Thursday morning and indulged some sun at the "beach" from Brissie- soo good :)

On Thursday it was our last day of uni for our first half of the semester, already, that's amazing, isn't it? We went to Sara's place (on the left, hm, yeah pretty obvious I guess), cooked up a nice dinner and had a couple of cool drinks on the balcony. That was fabolous and just so relaxing after the last weeks of stress.

Later Kelly joined us and we went out to the city and indulged a couple of drinks and a was really good to see someting different and just switch off. The area is absolutely wicked in Brisbane because many clubs and bars are located at the riverside so one location had a huge glass front facing the river with all the bridges and the skyline and a huge outside deck "over" the river.... quite different to the Won or the Planet- you can actually enjoy being around without being absolutely smashed :-P We had a great time!

I'm too tall for this world ;) The girls wouldn't let me wearing heels at all....

If the pokies could help us poor students to wealth?? uhm....nope.....they didn't- DOOO!

Yeah, so finally I've introduced you to Kelly and Sara who I'm hanging out with a lot at uni. Have to say thanks here actually because they really try to help me and always keep answering my questions if I don't understand the lecturer or whatsoever, no matter how "stupid" it would be, they have an ear for their German Anna =) Thanks girlz!

My first mark

My psychology tut....heaps of full time degree from Norway, no.13 full time from Austria, students from England, States, all sorts of Asian countries....

I got my results for my first exam, got a "distinction" what is not perfect but still should be alright I guess? I think it's like a German 2 or 12 points? Don't know- woteva :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The exam with my friends

That's Kelly, one of the really nice girls I'm hanging out with most of the time and making laugh quite often because I still mix up the "v" (with teeth) and "w" (without teeth) so that a "veine" or "version" could sound quite funny if I say it :) Here we did our last preparations because the exam didn't start until 3pm.

I so had to take a picture of this guy........nuh just kidding :) ..........of this bird, they are walking around everywhere on the campus and always wanna steel your food, they even jump up the table when you leave your lunch unattended. Sometimes ducks or other funny birds are crossing the paths as well. They have these hilarious signs on the roads sometimes here in Australia like our "watch out for wildlife- crossing" but with four little ducks waddling in a row....hang on, I found a pic

one of my other masterpieces in bodypainting ....

It's Good Friday now, meaning,the exam is ooooooover and I've got 10 days off- wooohooo =) Well, how was it?? I've never had such a stressfull exam in my LIFE. It was really scarry, don't really wanna think back actually. To give you an impression of the venue: about 140 1st year physios wearing their white labcoats, pretty much the same colour in their faces and shaky hands were randomly distributed to the different stations in this huge room with this long continous benches labelled with the stations, including 3 rest stations and arrows for walking directions. We got the test sheetSSSS (it was a little booklet of 8 or so pages) with 110 questions refering to 55 stations with different specimes of my friends :), models and a couple of theory questions. We obviously had two circles to get every one doing the exam at the same time. So everybody was standing in front of his station and then this bloody scarry bell rang the first time and "the games began": everybody was bending down to his muscle, bone, brain or whatever it was (Sara actually told me today that once she didnt even know from which part of the body the specimen was and then after she overcame the first shock she has never been that relieved and excited to see a penis *lol* you gotta use every hint and she finally knew, alright it probably doesn't make any sense to think about any shoulder muscles any more- funny) and tried to identify the pinned part and subsequently answer the 2nd question. You basically really had to know what you are looking at STRAIGHT away because the clock was ticking continuosly. So i identified many things and could answer many questions as well but now with hindsight I notice more and more ("levity-") mistakes and there were a few things where I really had to guess, like once there was a THING coming out medially to the axilla...nerve, tendon, veine, arterie....nooo clue and we weren't allowed to touch to feel the difference. It was really full on because one minute is like nothing and as soon as you didnt know the name, like me, from a special tuberosity of a bone straight away, that's it because trying to come up with it while the seconds are running by is nearly impossible and you think and think and think and try to press the right information out of your brain and then "RRRRIIING" Fuuck... next one and you soo had to just forget it and concentrate on the new one otherwise you are gooooooooone. Under a very high tension we went through the whole circle, got a minute to overlook 110 questions (you must be kidding me....) "everybody finished?" general "no" alright we are collecting - HAHAHAHA! I can tell you, that was the quickest hour in my entire life. I was really exhausted after that because it was lika a million degrees hot, everybody was sweating like a pig, we were all blushed as, red eyes and I had headaches as well due to no air plus the smell of my friends. After we found out that the failing rate is usually up to two third, we all only wanna pass, and so do I. I actually should have 50% right it just feels like I have soo much wrong but considering there were 110 questions that should be alright- HOPEFULLY :) wait and see! Even if I could have performed better, I am more than happy that it is over because I spend a hell of time for studies. Considering though that this is all new for me, different system of uni even if I haven't even studied back home :-P, another language, different culture and way of life plus a very sophisticated course, I shouldn't put my goals too high I guess?? Just have to await. Keep your fingers crossed for me :)