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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Halfway (thru our degree) party

Girls afternoon with Anja und Eva. We had very delicious cocktails and just were girls with getting ready, clothes exchanging etc.

the three blondies

funny faces

Rory is a funny boy, studying physio with me and he can speak a little bit German and always says the most random sentences....hilarious for me

more physios

the physio dream couple

girls girls girls

our lecturer roweena, she is always present on our parties and even comes out after to a club and dances with us to "low low low low", we love our "physio-mum" zum knuddeln :)

only happy faces celebrating to be halfway there

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Work as a hostess

On my third day at home I already worked at a convention for 3 days, was 12 hours of pure running around and it is quite stressfull atmosphere but had heaps of fun again. Got to meet new people which is one of my favourite things to do and also earned good money. My feet and my back hated me for what I did to them, think I have to get a thorough massage soon, bit tense and sore everywhere because a tray with 8 cocktails, big plates or hanging 400 jackets on coat hangers in half an hour can be quite straining.

I can't stand anymore, just let me sit, only for a few seconds, pleeeease. So funny, everyone had super sore feet, I had my shoes from work, luckily so only had the general overuse pain, no highheels or blister pain, anyway, as soon as one of the hostesses left the room, smile on and pain suppressed and as soon as out of sight of customers, whole posture collapsed and we walked like on eggs....strong women I'd say ;)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Semester 4 bestanden

Yippi yay yeah....I got my results yesterday and I passed everything again, even with good marks....meaning, I am halfway to be a physio, aaawesome.

For everyone in Australia, I am doing well here at home and enjoying it heaps. Hope you guys are all good and didnt have any damage with all the storms and floodings.

Cold snowy greetings from Nürnberg

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How I am feeeeeeling?


I am absolutey super mega over excited,cannot describe it. Sooooo much pressure is gone, feel like a baloon that just got stabbed with a needle, pffffffffffffffffffffffffff, freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Second year done, I gonna be a third year physio student :-O Im impressed with myself. Exam today was easy, teach a pregnancy class and focus on trunk stability and some theory questions, eeeeasy peasy. 3 months and 3 weeks of nothing, 3 months and 3 weeks of relaxing, 3 months and 3 weeks of not studying, 3 months and 3 weeks of waking up without any uni related to- do list, 3 months and 3 weeks of having fun! yay yay yay.Sorry but gotta say it again, 3 months and 3 weeks offfffffffffffffffffffffff =)

Although I havent been sleeping due to my late work and early training commitment (everytime i come home from either of them when they are getting to bed or getting up, I only hear "are u coming from training?? you are a freak" I think I am, but loving it, haha) I am so pumped now, cant sleep. Going to Saras to jump into the pool and have a cold beer, I LOVE LIFE =)

How to make studying more enjoyable...

using the few sunspots we have around the house, in the morning we sit in the back, in the afternoon we lie on the front veranda. got a tight schedule because its just enough room for one person, haha

it's so much fun living with someone who is studying the same because you can talk about stuff, mostly swear about how much we hate it (that was for physiology for instance), procrastinate together and dont feel bad about it and just be silly when having a brain explosion. We are two crazy girls but it's so much fun, lots of laughing and in the end it doesn't feel that hard to just study through the days...was good!

and yummy fruity ice tea to cool down and suppress the wishful thinking of lying at the beach right now

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Double succes for the Germans

As you all know, Anja is in Australia as well and I made her play some Volleyball of course, not sure if you know but she was the person who brought me to that awesome sport so I got her to the Australian kind :) She and her partner from Columbia won their AA division as well, wohoooo. Zweimal Gold, high five, Anja :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Nearly there, keep it up....

crossing one day off after the other on this calendar is so satisfying... now I am four exams down, one more to go on Thursday.
All the exams went quite well so far and I think I might have my best semester so far but I was working really hard in the past semester so that would be a nice reward. Last two weekends were quite stressful because I couldn't give up two beachvolleyball comps for studying, just didnt work.

Started to work Friday night, playing the comp saturday and sunday, which Katie and me won again, that's sooo awesome. Four comps and four times gold, wooow :) then i went back home for a quick couple of hour studying and then went to work Sunday night and have never looked forward to my bed more. Monday morning I had to get up early to study for the exam at two o clock, then I went home and started smashing some material for tuesday, went to work, to training in the morning.

I havent been to any of the lectures in the second half of the semester because our lecturer was way and only a tutor was holding them and he even said he was only going to read the powerpoints. Thats something I can do on my own to. Anyway, I havent done this before: I read through the notes for the first time 5 hours before the exam. But I have to say that I knew it would be an easy exam, its only nutrition and exercise, my elective this semester. And it was easy, should be a really good mark hopefully.

four down, one to go....wohooooooooooo.....I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!

Monday, November 03, 2008

An awesome weekend

Saturday at 5 am we left Brisbane to drive up to Noosa on the sunshine coast for the first event of the Beachvolleyball Tour Queensland

Ryan hitting...

Sunday morning the boys and me went to the beach at 7am, just across the road, to go for a wake up swim before the games. Was lovely, water was great and that's my favourite start into the day first thing in the morning

soooooooooo schöne Weite aber so richtig sieht man das doch nicht auf dem foto

Me hitting with Kathie, my beachpartner for this season

schaut mal, der meeega cut, keine chance den zu bekommen

after we won the first two preparation comps, we had a perfect start.....we won =) my first proper title, yay....bring it on, baby ;)

unsere crew....die sanddogs und seit kurzem wir, die sanddivas :)

After a great weekend with Beachvolleyball all day long, sunshine and ocean I got bit worried for a split second cos I had exam on Monday and had to go to work Sunday night after the comp. Monday morning I got up at 6 am and crammed until 1 o clock and exam went ok. puh lucky me. next weekend is gonna be the same, oh oh, have to study beforehand...wish me good luck. one exam down, 4 to go...