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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Monday, November 10, 2008

Nearly there, keep it up....

crossing one day off after the other on this calendar is so satisfying... now I am four exams down, one more to go on Thursday.
All the exams went quite well so far and I think I might have my best semester so far but I was working really hard in the past semester so that would be a nice reward. Last two weekends were quite stressful because I couldn't give up two beachvolleyball comps for studying, just didnt work.

Started to work Friday night, playing the comp saturday and sunday, which Katie and me won again, that's sooo awesome. Four comps and four times gold, wooow :) then i went back home for a quick couple of hour studying and then went to work Sunday night and have never looked forward to my bed more. Monday morning I had to get up early to study for the exam at two o clock, then I went home and started smashing some material for tuesday, went to work, to training in the morning.

I havent been to any of the lectures in the second half of the semester because our lecturer was way and only a tutor was holding them and he even said he was only going to read the powerpoints. Thats something I can do on my own to. Anyway, I havent done this before: I read through the notes for the first time 5 hours before the exam. But I have to say that I knew it would be an easy exam, its only nutrition and exercise, my elective this semester. And it was easy, should be a really good mark hopefully.

four down, one to go....wohooooooooooo.....I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!

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