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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Und SCHON wieder schreibe ich über Essen-haha. Was ich hier auch noch so genieße ist, dass ich einen fruit market 30 sec von meinem Haus habe und mich dort wöchentlich mit tropischen Finessen ausstatte. So habe ich immer eine Ananas, verschiedene Melonen, Passionfruit, Mangos, Papayas und das "normale" Obst in meinem Kühlschrank. Neulich war mal wieder mega Angebot, 89 Cents für die großen Melonen.

15 kg hat die gewogen und ein shop assistant hat mir geholfen sie in mein Auto zu schaffen. Muss wohl gesehen haben, dass ich mich bissl schwer getan habe mit dem Ungetüm. Das war einen Tag nach dem workout von dem ich erzählt hab. Sprich bloßes Laufen hat mir schon Probleme bereitet-lol. Beim Schneiden daheim kam ich mir dann vor, als würde ich eine Kuh schlachten....die Küche hat ausgeschaut... Saft und Melone überall und halt einfach recht unhandlich. Geschmeckt hats =)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Jiiipppieeeeehhh =)

Schaut mal in die Spalte ganz oben....da bewegt sich was....jaaahaaaa..... :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Boat Cruise

Endlich mal wieder bißchen Party.... die School of Health von der uni hat ein Partyboot/Insel gemietet, auf dem med's, physio's, occupational therapists und speech pathologist vergnügen konnten. Mit viel booze , Pizza (Wein, Bier und food war inclusive) sind wir also dann den brisbane river entlanggeschippert. War super scenerie mit der skyline im Hintergrund

Das Motto war the seven deadly sins....Michael ganz links war der absolute mega pimp, die jungs in schnieken Anzügen und die Mädels in sexy dresses....schließlich konnte man dann sagen man verkörpert "lust" or "greed"

Sara und unser Physio Bär Jerald

War ne klasse Nacht, hab viele neue Leute kennengelernt- alle irgendwie vom health department, man hatte also immer gemeinsamkeiten zum quatschen, sitzen alle im selben Boot, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Ich gehe ja nicht mehr viel weg, too busy, aber an dem Abend hab ich es doch mal wieder ausgekostet und war sehr gut mit dabei...glaube ich zumindest LOL ist nicht mehr alles so present von 10 pm ab :-P ooops. Ein geöffnetes peanut butter glass mit ner Gabel drin hat mir auch erstmal ein paar fragezeichen über mein Kopf geschrieben....must have been me *shrugging shoulders* Aber ich hatte keinen Kater von dem her alles easy peasy.

jaja das Kostüm...sehr das wort...provokativ?

fitness morning

a fair while ago, a group of people from the outdoor fitness group (that's where i used to do the boxing, which i loved loved but cost too much money) came together sunday morning at kangaroo point which are the cliffs at brisbane river. we did one hour of general fitness stuff, lots of partner work and fun games then we did one hour of boxing....the glaze of the cake were the stairs for the last hour.

the stairs were from where the photo is taking down to the river. we had to run up and down as fast as possible, or actually just had to GET up and down and then exercises on the bottom while the other group was running. our crazy coach got us to do lunges in between, helloooooooo? as if we didnt work our legs enough, i couldn't feel them after a while, like jelly but i did every exercise and ran all the stairs. we did it 9 times while after the first time I really had to work hard to keep the pace up and dont just walk up. Once I reached the top I got sick for a second but then I had to concentrate on going down again. I was dead afterwards....goooooooooone. Really good workout though!

our treat was a bbq with the nice view on the top of the cliffs over river and city. here in australia they have bbqs in every public place where you potentially could sit and have some sausages :) they love their barbies. u can see it in the backround here right to the woman in white.
I was never that sore in my life, i could not walk the next day, no joking. my calfes and hamis punished me for using them so excessively. they were sore for 5 days, thats insane. on monday i had a volleyball game and i could not move, it was terrible, i was in pain :) but thats my own fault. was kinda fun though. got you to your limits *puhhh* ryan got sick halfway through-hehe- princess....nuhhh just joking ;)

Along Brisbane river and along the cliffs, over the bridges, in and out of city...that's a really nice route to run.

I love my balcony- it's like a lounge room outside.Just perfect because I get the afternoon sun so it's not too hot and I can chill until the sun sets. Got spot to study too although I usually fall asleep then :) I doesn't beat my breakfast spot on the other side of the house but it's still awesome. I just love the opportunity to go outside all the time. It's funny cos I still look out the window every morning when I wake up to check the weather and in 99% percent of the days there is blue sky and sun. And I'm just like "YES =) " Cannot get enough, absolutes Sonnenkind!

I'm still working on the perfect bridge photo...quite nice to ride along the river and then over the bridge and schwupdiwup I'm on campus, so so handy.

On afternoon after uni I cycled home and then I just had to start laughing, I hope nobody heard me but it was just too funny. Everythin is relaxed here, so are all the animals, why not having an afternoon nap on the bicycle path. They were sitting there with there heads hidden in their feathers. I woke them up, oops. The 4 gooses (?) are part of my daily routine, they say good morning everyday when I pass the campus lakes. We have so many animals on campus, a paradise for biologists I guess. Amazing how loud all the birds are....they sing and scream and fly around like crazy everyday.

Now that we are coming into winter here in Australia, the sun is not up yet when I get up for training at 5 am and it looks like that. Cool picture but I'm having troubles motivating myself when it's dark and cold outside- brrrr. It's good as soon the sun comes up, just after 6 but before I prefer my bed to everything.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Just a picture when I rode home the other day...the river with the bridge is always soo nice. Happens so often that I see photographers trying to get a good sunset shot of our uni bridge...