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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Friday, May 16, 2008

I love my balcony- it's like a lounge room outside.Just perfect because I get the afternoon sun so it's not too hot and I can chill until the sun sets. Got spot to study too although I usually fall asleep then :) I doesn't beat my breakfast spot on the other side of the house but it's still awesome. I just love the opportunity to go outside all the time. It's funny cos I still look out the window every morning when I wake up to check the weather and in 99% percent of the days there is blue sky and sun. And I'm just like "YES =) " Cannot get enough, absolutes Sonnenkind!

I'm still working on the perfect bridge photo...quite nice to ride along the river and then over the bridge and schwupdiwup I'm on campus, so so handy.

On afternoon after uni I cycled home and then I just had to start laughing, I hope nobody heard me but it was just too funny. Everythin is relaxed here, so are all the animals, why not having an afternoon nap on the bicycle path. They were sitting there with there heads hidden in their feathers. I woke them up, oops. The 4 gooses (?) are part of my daily routine, they say good morning everyday when I pass the campus lakes. We have so many animals on campus, a paradise for biologists I guess. Amazing how loud all the birds are....they sing and scream and fly around like crazy everyday.

Now that we are coming into winter here in Australia, the sun is not up yet when I get up for training at 5 am and it looks like that. Cool picture but I'm having troubles motivating myself when it's dark and cold outside- brrrr. It's good as soon the sun comes up, just after 6 but before I prefer my bed to everything.

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