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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Monday, October 29, 2007


--> I AM THROUGH <--

I'm not one of the 60%


that is so so so so good, can't stress it more.....YAAAYYY....wasn't even close *puh* not real good either but who cares ;) pass it a pass
that takes away a little bit of stress for my anatomy end semester exam which I'm studying for now

I was soo happy so that I felt like taking photos of our purple campus at the moment =)

At the moment we are in Swat Vac- Swat (=study hard) Vaccation....took me bout a semester to understand that :-P I thought about all sorts of things like swap back etc. Anyway, next week I've got all four exams in a row with anatomy on monday and then the other three subjects until thursday. the monday in the following week to the thursday again are our prac exams and after that it will be done and a wreck I guess?! A long long way still in front of me :-/ I'm studying ALL day at the moment, I hope I can keep a little bit of that stuff! I'm over it already....urggg

Monday, October 22, 2007

Annamobil II

Here it is... my new baby :) A Suzuki Swift from 1984 is going to take me from training to uni to work to everywhere. It's so handy that I can just go somewhere when I want to. Being totally dependant on a bus, so far outside from everything was a bit of a pain in the butt. In the beginning I was a bit insecure abot the driving, the traffic on the other side of the road but by now I'm totally confident again and really enjoying it. It has a bit more power than my annamobil which is really cool =)

very handy, the wiper is a button so that I can't mix indicator and wiper up which i usually tend to do when I started driving here in Oz or back home. It also has 5 gears which is quite a progression from my old VW- well, i still could do 140 on the autobahn, just had to listen to music a bit louder and enjoy the nice vibration and shaking around you- haha :-P

and here to the left our mailbox...I think you guys haven't met ;) As you can see it's not common to have it locked, most of the times the magazines and papers are lying in the grass anyway, why be bothered and putting in the thing....yeah, that's australian attitude....nicht überarbeiten. Die ganzen Prospekte sind dann immer zusammengerollt, mit einem Gummi versehen und manchmal in ner plastiktüte und dann wenn ich mir genüßlich die Aldi Angebote anschauen will, dann sind die immer alle so gerollt grrrrr, hate it :) crazy aussies I'd say!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

meine Haare :)

How long is my hair....wooow....

Friday, October 19, 2007


Ich weiss, ich weiss, ich hab die Seite wieder ein bisschen schleifen lassen :-/ Zu meiner Verteidigung muss ich aber sagen, dass ich super viel zu tun habe- Uni, Arbeit, Training und uni-work at home halten mich ziemlich auf Trap. Langsam wird es auch richtig ernst mal wieder...*bibber* nur noch nächste Woche classes, dann eine Woche frei zum extrem-info- massen-reinpressen und dann zwei Wochen exam period. Neben ein paar assignments momentan habe ich dann noch sieben exams vor mir...ui ui ui....aber das geht auch vorbei.

Was noch ziemlich scarry momentan ist, ist das wir immer noch nicht unsere anatomy-marks vom midsemester raushaben...das war immer dieses schreckliche station exam wo man nur ne bestimmte Zeit pro Aufgabe hatte. Aufjedenfall sollen 60% durchgefallen sein und ich mache mir nun auch langsam Sorgen obwohl ich eigentlich gar kein soo schlechtes Gefühl hatte. Das Schlimme an der ganzen Sache ist nur, dass man nicht wiederholen kann. Der einzige Weg raus ist ausgleichen mit endsemester exam. Das wiederrum ist aber schier ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit da wir gerade Neuroanatomy machen was pretty f***** hard is....das Hirn ist einfach zu kompliziert als dass wir das so schnell lernen könnten. Selbst unsere Tutoren verstehen die Sachen oft auch nicht obwohl die die absoluten Nerds mit straighten 7 sind in anatomy. Haltet mir die Daumen.....

Ansonsten gibts noch sehr erfreuliche gibt ein Annamobil II =) darüber aber das nächste mal mehr.

40 Tage stehen auf meinen Countdown, das wird soo schnell vorüber sein- wow- und dann komme ich von über 30 grad und Sommer Sonne Meer und Beachvolleyball in den deutschen kalten Winter. Das wird eine Umstellung sein bestimmt.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Meine Liebsten back home

my best girlfriends from home....we've known each other for ages now....Chrissi in the middle, Co on the right-hand side and Bidi on the top. Miss you guys :-/

These pictures were taken when we had to say bye bye again....*snif* But we still keep contact which is absolutely wicked!

Pretty physios, hay?

who doesn't want to get a massage from us :-P As you know them already, these are the girls I'm hanging out with heaps at uni. The tall girl in the blac dress is Sonya by the way. What a fun night =)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Kelly's birthday

After lot of studying and stress at uni we all looked forward to our biig birthday session in surfers paradise on the goldcoast. A bunch of girls booked into a hostel which was directly situated next to fishos. It was so funny for me to check into a hostel again.

the place to go to on a sunday arvo

the physio crew... hey girls, we can be so proud of us...we are doing a good job

Kelly me and Martha

Happy birthday sweetie....I made Kelly an awesome marble cake with white chocolate bits in the black part and dark chocolate bites in the white half. Then topped it up with a nice vanilla frosting and then German Gummibärchen on top...perfecto

party willing girls

that was the location...awesome atmosphere

Amazing that that sort of accomodation was my home for a long time....weird, was real good fun though and woke up a lot of awesome travel-memories PARTY 24/7 =) and just do what you felt like doing without any obligations....uh awesome to think back-missing that kind of freedom, was so easy and relaxed and just wicked.

Anyway, we went down the coast in the early afternoon and started to celebrate Kelly's birthday with a few drinks. A bit later the people started to stream into fishos. Pretty cool location, right next to the wharft...

sara, sam and me....we drank s*** loads of beer.."hey you are have to be able to drink a lot of beer" see guys I'm showing them what Germans are like :)

After a long time of abstinence I allowed myself a few- hüstel hüstel- drinks and finally got smashed again :-P

That was on that weekend where I had to go to the job training back in Brisbane at 10am the next day and had to leave quite early to get there by public transport. But lucky me, I didnt have a hangover, got up early, went quickly to the beach which made my day anyway :) I'm still such a touri ;)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Physio Ball

Last Thursday the Physio Ball was finally on. We were all so excited =) but also got freaked about dresses, jewelry, shoes and all that sort of stuff.
We started with getting ready at sara's,

then had cheese and crackers, champagne and then got a taxi to the place.
There we were welcomed with free boooooooze- wohoooo :) and got a 3 day meal on real nice tables and everybody slowly got drunk. It was just awesome, everybody dressed up and then danced and lots of intermingling with all physios, 2nd, 3rd, 4th years, lectureres, tutors- lots of fun!