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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hi everyone
nur mal ein kleiner Vermerk, dass ich jetzt Ferien habe, sprich ich bin daheim um zu telefonieren, zu den meisten Tages- und Nachtzeiten.
Mein Laptop ist immer noch futsch, verscuh ich mal zu reparieren, aber das ist der Grund warum ich bissl von der Aussenwelt abgeschnitten bin.
Ich hoff es geht euch allen gut!
Ich hab jetzt also einen kompletten Block Ferien, 5 Wochen und dann noch mein letztes Prac in Ipswich fuer 5 Wochen- cardiothoracic physio- also viel post OP und Intensivstation Zeugs...und dann bin ich so gut wie fertischhhhh, eine Woche Uni mit einem Test, ein komplexer Fall, aber das wird einfach sein nach unserer Prac Erfahrung.
So und jetzt lege ich mich in meine Beanbag draussen auf Terasse in die Sonne im Bikini und les ein Buch, OHJA!

Friday, August 20, 2010

LAST time i had to pay uni !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I so should get absolutely smashed, I paid my last lot of fees...I hate to press that submitt button with that huge amount being displayed on top. Breathe in, breathe out.....CLICK....and it gooooooeeeessssssssss.
Eva and me are usually not in a very good mood on pay day. People that live at home and dont work and complain or winge on that day to us, wont have it easy, cos we most likely start a discussion.....and do NOT mention Macintosh computers around us....ARGG. Still cant believe uni had to pay, I dont even wanna know how much, to replace ALL computers on the ENTIRE campus with oh-so-nice macintosh` just to be the best uni with the best research and the best teachers and the best technology, nothing was wrong with ordinary (???) flatscreens especially considering we still use windows, anyhow, I have to let it go =)
Even people in Australia dont know how much we have to pay as internationals, and they ususally are like "WTF how on earth do u do that" " I dont even know myself...." Its all about budgeting, but a big part played my family who always supported me!!
Anyway, I wanted to say a
to everyone who has helped me through those tough times around pay day because I was just saving money like a maniac and usually went a bit crazy worrying that i wont be able to finish the course!
Kim, meine rettende Hand letzte Woche, fast haette ich es alleine geschafft. War aber schier unmoeglich. Nochmal Danke, ok?!
Und noch ein anderes
an euch, Oberstens! Irene + Dieter, ohne euer Vertrauen haette ich damals nicht weiter machen koennen und ich rechne euch das extrem hoch an was ihr fuer mich getan habt. AMAZING! Ihr habt beigetragen, dass ich meinen Traum weiterleben konnte, was in der damals schwierigen Zeit das bester fuer mich war, und auch abgesehen von der ganzen Sache, wirklich genau das ist, was ich machen will!!! Falls irgendwie meoglich, moechte ich mich revangieren, bis dahin, seid ihr jetzt meine Nummer Eins Investition, von jetzt an spare ich fuer euch, nicht mehr fuer UQ. Die haben mich ja bereits ausgesaugt. Also vielen lieben Dank nochmal!!
Cant believe it that I actually managed to pay the fees for this last year cos in my calculations, I was a fair bit short but it is done and i am STOKED! So proud of myself AND so proud of everyone who helped me, love my FAM! U ROCK! All this for little princess Anna, I appreciate it big times and I will proof to all of you that it was the right decision to support me in that crazy, Anna-will-study-in-Australia-project! U will never have any pain anywhere ever anymore, I`ll come and fix ya, haha ;)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Computer futsch

Hey everyone!
Just a quick note to let everyone know that my computer finally left me :( He fought for a while but didnt get out as the winner in the end. My apologies if I have been really slack with contacting you guys but first of all I dont have my own laptop and secondly, I am busy AS! In my fourth week of musculoskeletal prac at uni and it is just full on, I dont wanna winge because it is good in regards to that we learn sooooooo much but on the same token: we have to put in a LOT of work too. We get there at 7 every day and leave between 5 and 6, then I sometimes have to work straight after, or if I can I go to the gym to switch off and then at night there is usually more work and study to do for the next day and the huge amounts of paperwork and projects and in a nutshell, placement is still good but I just dont have anytime beyond so dont be upset please, I miss talking to everyone as well but I had like 5 occasions now where I get ready for bed "early" with the intention to call someone but as soon as I'm horizontal, gravity acts on my eyelids and I cant be bothered. Two more weeks and I am all yours again because I will be on holidays, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Friday, August 06, 2010

Mein 24ter, erster Teil

Vodka mit Brause. Jenny, Koechin im Hotel wo ich arbeite, hat das zum ersten Mal probiert aehm oder eher probieren muessen ;)

Sara's moves,like the style, haha


Pat and I