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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Friday, July 23, 2010


a friends facebook status:

Note to all physio students in the hospital - not necessarily UQ ones - do not wear your stethescope around your neck like a doctor! Especially at lunch time or before 8am cause you're definitely not on the way to see a patient!

  • I wore mine to lunch yesterday by accident... felt like such a douche

  • I never "wear" mine! Only carry it! Despite it being cool and pink and probably a good accessory haha. Did hydro with sam the other day.. Fun fun! She is so nice

  • are you kidding? i got discounts on food if i wore mine to lunch! lol

  • F, carrying it isn't functional, it's gotta go round the neck.

  • sounds like a typical loving yourself situation

Worried? Yes!

So, monday it is, the start of my 5 week placement at the musculo skeletal/ sports physio clinic at UQ uni. Well, and it is said to be a tough one. Thats ok, im up for a challenge, we are here to learn BUT i think this one is gonna be REALLY tough. There has been people failing, in the last one there were some that just scraped thru, tears, nasty facebook entries about how bad it is, warning messages from people who have been....oh dear. The worst thing tho is the faces from people when they ask where u are next...its this OMG-face, big eyes, pity...with a "oh no u will be fine" after the first reaction with a face that could tell stories. Anyway, here a message from a friend who just finished it....

Hey guys!

I'm writing to apologise to you in advance about what you are going to experience for the next couple of weeks. I have struggled in the UQ MS prac and have written some God-awful chart entries. Unfortunately you guys have inherited some of my patients and will have to dig through the aforementioned charts to work out what the f*ck I was doing/thinking, and there is a definite possibility that you won't be able to do either of those things. After a couple of weeks you will understand that when you have 5 charts to write at 4:30, you just write nonsense and nobody really reads it. The same will go for my beloved transfer summaries for today. They will be woeful. Give me a call if you need an adequate explanation from an "Adequate" (hopefully) student. Rest up this weekend, gather your thoughts, muster some courage and good luck with it.

Yes I am worried, I havent revised much at all....I probably should have, damn, but u just need to get the educator on your side and just say YES MA'M to EVERYTHING. NEVER EVER dare to say anything against, no BUTS, just do EXACTLY what they tell you, even if you have learnt something different. Its WRONG. Thats what sucks because for physio there is never one way of doing things/approaching problems, there are a million ways to treat a patient and it just sucks big times that you have to do it exactly how your educator wants it even if you have learnt a better way by now from other physios in other placements, well we have to kiss their a**** which i HATE but oh well. We have this one educator who came from america and he thinks he is god, i hope i dont get him cos i cant STAND him, the way he talks and looks at you if you try and answer his question, *shiver*
BUT i try and do what i ususally do, and thats my OWN THING. do not get influenced too much by what the others said because everyone's perception is different so I will from my own opinion but I am quite worried I have to admit. Sam who just finished too said that our first week is crazy busy, a LOT of patients booked in. I wonder how I will like musculo skeletal because thats the one everyone THINKS they like it the best because thats what everyone understands of physio but its a complicated one as well apparently. 5 weeks! thats it. TSCHAKAAA!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

1st Volleyball Tournament

Robbo (Bond girls coach, Ange and me from Brisbane, Kirra and Leesa from Bond) We played in the finals. I was supposed to work at 5 and we started finals at half 3....i so couldnt focus, damn, we came 2nd altho we won to them in the pool earlier that day. Still good for first tournament and NO training at all. Season wont start till October but there will be a few winter events organized from Bond Uni...might play the odd one.

Trying to save a pass, come Anna, dont be lazy and get UNDER the ball...

I didnt even know how much I missed the beach, the whole day on the coast was just lovely. soooo schön

chillin in the bean bags in the sun on the beach- THE best!

THIS makes me feel good

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I was just revising some first year stuff, simple things like anatomy of every single little bone, numerous muscles,tendons,ligaments etc and their contributing role in the biomechanics of the ankle and I stumbled across this picture. I think this is so cool, and just after I've released that thought, I thought "you are a freak, that's just an ankle". But I guess that's something that fires my passion for this profession. How amazing is our body and its ability to heal and help himself. But also on the other side, how vulnerable is it to the changes in society from former days to today including work ethics, social habits, decreasing time availability, food manners etc. It's just so cool how simply understanding the body can help you to heal it with minor changes and facilitation (from us :) ) and using its own features rather than injecting things or taking pills or cutting it open (Mind you, surgery is often essential and evenly AMAZING but I'm talking about the minor everyday complaints) I guess you must think, "what the hell is she on about" but just looking at that photo, it's ONLY the foot but kind of complex, so many structures, not just one bone and one muscle, it's the perfect design and that allows us to do so much with it. Moreover, knowing what everysingle part does and what happens if it doesn't work that way and how I can test that as well as hopefully fix it with manual therapy, exercise, taping or even simple advice and education is just COOL. Haha, and the ankle is soooo easy, there are much bigger challenges like the cervical spine, shoulders, knees....oh yeah =)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Anna

got marks for the 2 subjects from first semester. altho we didnt have an actual semester as such,we still had 2 instead of 4 subjects, weighed more heavily ie 4 units instead of 2 and our performance and assessment from placements and assignments presentations make up the overall mark for each subject annnnnnnnnnnnd i got two 6`s = disticiontions. yay yay yay. i actually totally forgot we get marked, lol, only looked it up yesterday after someone asked me about it, haha. only wanted to learn heaps in placements but i wont complain ;)

only two more placements to go. my second week off holidays next week, literally working like crazy everysingle day BUT my birthday and day of my party, then 5 super hard weeks at sports physio at uni-ohoh- we had a few ppl failing that one and its just haaaaaaaard, EVERY one says that,but thats ok, i just push through 5 weeks, prepare well and it will all be fine because then i have my holiday block for 5 weeks where i actually can relax because most likely i wont be able to work more than 20hours due to visa (only allowed to work as much as i want in uni holidays and thats in middle of semester) and then one more 5week placement at ipswich, which should be reasonable easy, i think and theeeeeeeeeeeeeen my brother and his gf come and only amazing things happen from there........WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Monday, July 05, 2010

Eva, Kirsten, me and Sam