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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I was just revising some first year stuff, simple things like anatomy of every single little bone, numerous muscles,tendons,ligaments etc and their contributing role in the biomechanics of the ankle and I stumbled across this picture. I think this is so cool, and just after I've released that thought, I thought "you are a freak, that's just an ankle". But I guess that's something that fires my passion for this profession. How amazing is our body and its ability to heal and help himself. But also on the other side, how vulnerable is it to the changes in society from former days to today including work ethics, social habits, decreasing time availability, food manners etc. It's just so cool how simply understanding the body can help you to heal it with minor changes and facilitation (from us :) ) and using its own features rather than injecting things or taking pills or cutting it open (Mind you, surgery is often essential and evenly AMAZING but I'm talking about the minor everyday complaints) I guess you must think, "what the hell is she on about" but just looking at that photo, it's ONLY the foot but kind of complex, so many structures, not just one bone and one muscle, it's the perfect design and that allows us to do so much with it. Moreover, knowing what everysingle part does and what happens if it doesn't work that way and how I can test that as well as hopefully fix it with manual therapy, exercise, taping or even simple advice and education is just COOL. Haha, and the ankle is soooo easy, there are much bigger challenges like the cervical spine, shoulders, knees....oh yeah =)

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