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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Friday, January 22, 2010


Train to Frankfurt was sooo full so that i had to stand in the connection thingos (oh ja anna, wheres the english huh?) but cld sit on the stairs for second part so that wasnt too bed. flight from frankfurt to seoul was smooth, watched three movies: love happens (sure thing...), the burning plain and Im Winter ein Jahr...and ate bimbimbap for dinner and green tea rice porridge for breaky, prefer the german breakfast :) so its all going good, i do like the travelling, always amazed about jumping the continents, leave on world and walk thru the stargate into a total different one within a day, cross half of the globe, i like that. ok hanging out on the internet for a little, try and sleep, find some more yummy korean food and then i will already be on the plane again. talk to you later, everyone!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Christkindlsmarkt mit der Familie

Glühwein hat einigermaßen geholfen an dem Abend, denn es war bitter bitter kalt. Wir sind dann nach ein "paar" :-P Getränken auf ein Konzert in einer Kirche gegangen (super Akustik) und danach war ich so durchgefroren wie noch nie in meinem Leben...da hat das Laufen sogar weh getan und meine Nase hab ich jeden Moment abbrechen gesehen... ich habs überlebt.

Der Kampf ums Käsefondue, sehr lecker

Ohhh ich vermiss die Glühwein- und Weihnachtszeit jetzt schon...obwohl ich hab ja noch ne Flasche in der Küche...also ich bin dann mal weg, haha

Thursday, January 14, 2010

'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.'

When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.

'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'

Abi Klassentreffen im Sausa

Yummy mexican meals interestingly served ohoh...cocktail happy hour...

sara and ludwig. Kudos to you guys for all that studying. Good luck for your state examination (?) You will do great!!!

Phillipp me and Schnulli (he's the guy behind the "zeitgeistcynic")

My little monsters

Leonie Anna being defeated, Max Kim being the winner, my sister Bianca and me on the world's best sofa =)

They never become tired....I love kids but I dont think I could handle them 24/7 yet ;)

Leonie was soo cute the other day:
"So why are u in `stralia?"
"I have to go to uni and learn for my future job"
"U know what aunty Anna, I personally like Australia a lot too, for holidays and stuff BUT i think schools and universities are NOT nice over there. U should be doing it here. I dont want that u go away!"
u should have heard her, how she said it...*seufz*
"And aunty anna, are u long with us in Deuschland this time?"
"Yes it is a fair while"
"And next time when u come, can u stay soooo long?" making the gesture with her arms
"I will try and maybe I will be here for long"
"ok, then you have to stay one million hundred thousand days" Leonie can count to 20 so far so I think she wants me to stay. These things make your heart melt....


I have been so lucky this year with the weather, we have had snow for quite a while now and i wish I was a child again, go sleighriding, roll around in the snow, make snow angels (with the face down...well i was hot...) hm, if i think about it, my 23 years are not stopping me.....yiiihaaaa....but my ankle :( so then i have to say im happy that im older cos a simple walk thru the snow and sugar coated forests satisfies me, too.

if it continues like it does, I will go from SNOW to HEAT....could be interesting.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy birthday Mama

Standing proud upon a shelf
A photograph I see
The image of my mother’s face
Smiling back at me
Just a faded photograph
I look at every day
But if those lips could speak
I know exactly what they’d say

“ Now’s the time to pack away
The sorrow and the pain
I’ve had my life you must live yours
It’s time to smile again
Place the hurtful things that happened
Firmly in the past
And make the happy times we shared
The memories that last
But take a moment now and then
To think of me a while
Hold my faded photograph
And don’t forget to smile.”

U will never be forgotten!

Friday, January 08, 2010

Neuer Blog

Hey Leute,
hier ist ein neuer Blog, den ihr auschecken müsst.
Der Zeitgeistcynic
witzige Berichte über Alltägliches und Aktuelles.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The A-Team

perfect plan. Chrissi (to the left) and me drove to Stuttgart to Co's place (right) on Sunday morning and had a big breaky (thanks to Co again, it was delicious) and big girl's catch up. We went to the christmas markets, went out for lunch, checked out the city and were finally united again. The rest of the week I stayed with Co because I organized a job, so that w came in really handy.

That was my crew for the week where I worked on the metal fair (super interesting stuff...not) in Stuttgart. We had to do service was pretty easy, the colleagues from our company were really friendly, too. And the best part was that I stayed with my best friend, Corinna, so I killed two birds with one stone: earning money and spending time with my Co.

Some thoughts of mine

I wish emotions would be logical.
You could just find a solution
solve them
have some sort of control
not only distract yourself
ignore it
play on
be strong
occasionally loose some tears
when the happenings of the day are passed
thoughts exposed to reality
you exposed to your thoughts
the clothes of your outer core stripped off
naked to your innerself
weak and sentimental falling asleep
true emotions finding their way out.
One day they must be exhausted
that's only logical.....

End of semester/3rd year-/theory pool celebrations

we are more than halfway thru our holidays and these pics dont fit the current situation with minus degrees and snow but it reminds me of good times so it must not miss

Poolparty at Matt's house. Our new house where Eva and me will move in will be even closer to Matt's ie the pool is closer too. Yeah =) Hellooooo we are here again, hehe..

i finally dared to took my camera underwater....good fun and it works :-O Soph and me

yeah right jared, rather save the beer than your head...

lol we both look like 12 year olds

half over half under water...getting tricky :) Matt and Jared

physio boys

me winning ;)


sara flying thru the air, love that pic, looks so athletic, doesnt it. and love my camera which takes motion shots and they are always so funny to look at. these are only the "nice" ones

Saturday, January 02, 2010

hat birthday party

My brother Felix with a real indian turban and his girlfriend with my real Aussie hat

premier for "Jägerbombs" I tried to introduce them to our all time favourite. At that time they loved it....a bit maybe not sooo much anymore. I think I cite the slogan of Fishermans friends here: are they too strong, u are too weak- hihi.

i put on my blondie character, what a disguise, so inventive.

Felix's friends. I did have a hat initially, but the jägerbombs made everyone so cheerful that they thought they gotta try and swap with everyone cos its sooo cool to interchange sweat samples, me included. In my defence tho, it WAS fun ;)

there u go... blond or dark hair? hm still dont know

Kolo, the police officer of the night and the birthday child with this awesome idea of the "hat-motto"