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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Friday, August 31, 2007

What a welcome

I just loved cute and so nice... We left it there for a couple of days because I liked it so much

and a lot of nice presents and ballons in our room...that was overwhelming.
sooo surprised :-O



On the second weekend in Oz, Ryan told me he ordered a table, so we got ready but before that he had to help his mum moving something...on a saturday nicht....i didn't think it was weird or anything, of course not, my name is Anna - Haha. Well so we went inside, there was a lot of BBQ stuff in the kitchen an I only thought "uh, they probably have a BBQ" and then Ryan is like "Anna, can you come outside and give me a hand" still didn't have a clue and with my first step outside the backyard a huge table full of people yelled "suprisssse Anna, happy 21st" OH MY GOD, what a massive huge suprise and I so did not think about that and really was 100% suprprised. All the relatives, like grandparents, sister, brother, aunty, friends...they were all there. And I even got presents, I was stunned because the whole thing was the biggest present ever! Thank you Ryan again, it was superbe! We had a huge BBQ with everything, drinks and then suddenly the lights went off and Ryan came with this awesome birthdaycake and 21 candles... :-O wow...

not that one cake was enough, he also got two very yummy other cakes from the cheesecakeshop-mhmm.

it was just perfect, the whole evening. So Ryan was not at work that Saturday morning, he prepared my birthday party! "Sehr gut" =) Ryan sagt das immer auf deutsch.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

nuh, it still hasn't rained enough....

That's Brisbane, level 6 water restrictions.... :-P

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I have a lot of time, update my homepage often, e-mail you guys regularly and can study relaxed, have free time....NOT.....but I did get registered in facebook- the very original studivz- and now I can start to expand my network here in Australia. It's good because now I can get to know even more people in my course and stuff, it's awesome and just a another distraction you always welcome when you actually should study....ah hang on...gotta check homepage, gotta check mails, uh and there is facebook, mhmmm maybe there is something new happening on studivz....haha!
So if anybody of you is there as well, search me....

At the moment, I'm pretty stressed because I already have the midsemester exam in anatomy- the hardest and most scarry subject- which is worth 45%, that's just huuuuge but just gotta study. If it was `just`...I'm havin troubles to get motivated but I'm doing a fair bit, so that should be enouhg hopefully!! And the week after we have another 2 exams, one of them about creating a training and proper exercises and another prac about a lot of muscle tests. There is one special movement and position you can make to test and assess a muscle totally isolated. pretty awesome. But it's kinda hard to remember all the techniques, especially because I missed like three quarter of them but I hope I will manage that with a lot of practice after anatomy and a bit of common sense. Slowly, we feel more like physios because it's gettiing more and more realistic and complex with all the different scenarios. So much for today, gotta go to bed....hope you guys are all doing well. I actually miss you quite a lot so you can always call in the evenings, I'd love it! Love, your Anna

Yeah it does....even if I winge at the moment due to the scarry upcoming exams next week *scream*

Friday, August 24, 2007

Oma und Opa

When we had lunch together in Kronach we all indulged typical German food with roast, dumplings. I had Spätzle....they are more swiss though....they are like a special type of pasta, baked with very tasty cheese and fried onion- soo good.

this picture is for my dad as he really likes that shot


While I was home I saw a lot of my of them my godmother Brigitte. We had such a yummy dinner in the garden and just an awesome time as we haven't seen each other in a while. Thanks for everything, Patin! Drück dich ganz fest und hoffentlich können wir bald mal telefonieren.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Volleyball girls

On a very nice and warm sunny day the whole team from Nürnberg where I used to play indoor came together on a huge grassland next to a beer garden and indulged pizza and fresh made caiprinha out of a it was an awesome day the fresh cold caipi just ran down like water.

yummo! this time I'm not calling it a huuuuge pizza....these would probably just be enough for 3 guys, ay?

from the left: Chrissi, Elke, Kim, me, Dani and Barbara...aren't we an extraordinary pretty team? haha

yeah, we know how to drink cocktails....huuuuge- here I can use that term? ;-)

the two blue-eyed center-blocker blondies with their lovely setter Chris

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My 21st

Anja and me over a delicious cheese+rucola pizza

Aufgrund der Umstände war mir dieses Jahr eigentlich nicht so sehr zum Feiern zumute doch letztenlich hatte ich doch eine sehr schöne Zeit. Am Tag vorher war ich mit meinem Paps aufm Bürgerfest in Schwabach. Abends um 12 Uhr gab es dann erstmal Sekt, ein Meer aus Kerzen, Brüder die exakt auf die Minute anrufen und auch schon erste Geschenke.

Am eigentlichen Geburtstagsmorgen musste ich ersteinmal 21 Kerzen auf dem Weg zu meinem Geburtstagstisch löschen. Dort angekommen, fand ich dann einen meega Frühstückstisch genau nach meinem Belieben vor- Sekt, O-saft, ach einfach alles und sogar Überraschungsgast Babs- und ich habs mir natürlich kräftig schmecken lassen.

my Volleyball- friends

Abends stand dann Biergarten mit Freunden an, um nocheinmal fränkische Kultur in mich aufzunehmen: lecker fränkisches Radler und ähm naja nicht so fränkische aber trotzdem sehr leckeren Riesen-Pizza. Zum Abschluss sind Papa und ich noch schnell zum Classic Open Air nach Nürnberg und ich habe meinen Geburstag mit einem sehr schönen Feuerwerk ausklingen lassen. Nice one!

Dad war natürlich auch dabei, schließlich kennt er jeden und gehört schon dazu irgendwi wenns um celebrations geht, sei es 18. Geburtstag, Abschiedsfeier, Willkommensfeier, Ski-Trips... ja er hat schon einiges mitgemacht mit der Meute und ist immer gern gesehen.

My brother Felix in the blue shirt, we look kinda similar don`t we? Never really noticed. People always only thought I was him on the phone when we were younger- weird!

Monday, August 13, 2007

new stuff

It's time to move on!!

I finally want to update my page again. I actually got a lot of photos to upload, so be patient for a littel longer, it will come soon!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Zurück nach Australien

Also morgen um halb 11 pm fliege ich wieder zurück nach Oz. Studium hat schon seit dem 23.7 angefangen, muss mir alles ziemlich den Arsch aufreißen....aber das wird schon irgendwie. Meldet euch alle bitte weiterhin so fleißig! Big hug, eure Anna