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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I have a lot of time, update my homepage often, e-mail you guys regularly and can study relaxed, have free time....NOT.....but I did get registered in facebook- the very original studivz- and now I can start to expand my network here in Australia. It's good because now I can get to know even more people in my course and stuff, it's awesome and just a another distraction you always welcome when you actually should study....ah hang on...gotta check homepage, gotta check mails, uh and there is facebook, mhmmm maybe there is something new happening on studivz....haha!
So if anybody of you is there as well, search me....

At the moment, I'm pretty stressed because I already have the midsemester exam in anatomy- the hardest and most scarry subject- which is worth 45%, that's just huuuuge but just gotta study. If it was `just`...I'm havin troubles to get motivated but I'm doing a fair bit, so that should be enouhg hopefully!! And the week after we have another 2 exams, one of them about creating a training and proper exercises and another prac about a lot of muscle tests. There is one special movement and position you can make to test and assess a muscle totally isolated. pretty awesome. But it's kinda hard to remember all the techniques, especially because I missed like three quarter of them but I hope I will manage that with a lot of practice after anatomy and a bit of common sense. Slowly, we feel more like physios because it's gettiing more and more realistic and complex with all the different scenarios. So much for today, gotta go to bed....hope you guys are all doing well. I actually miss you quite a lot so you can always call in the evenings, I'd love it! Love, your Anna

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