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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Sunday, February 07, 2010

1st day as a 4th year- ME 4th year?? no way...cant grasp it yet

Guys, I wish I could post some party pics or something exciting...instead I will tell you about my first day back at uni. I feel so not ready for this. I dont think my head is working yet, I have had such a busy mind for quite a while, wake up a million times during the night, get distracted so easily and simply cannot really concentrate. Perfect conditions for this....NOT.

Anyway, so we had this introductory lecture this morning and most people were quite pale and not very talkative after we left. These 3 weeks of standardized patients (SPs) at uni will be the most intense time of the entire course. Roweena, our lecturer-mum, is like "guys, this will be tough time, probably the biggest challenge you have to face. Graduates even think that the 3 weeks of SPs were the hardest thing ever. It will be stressfull, you will be exhausted, there will be breakdowns, brain freezes, tears, frustration, dead ends and people not wanting to come back anymore....BUT....PLEASE...always sleep over it, the next day will always get better, make sure you have someone who looks after you, look after yourself and make sure to deal with the stress and pressure and dont let it bottle up...." Then, obviously, we cannot fail ANYTHING, the beauty about this course, every piece of assessment needs to be passed in order to progress. At some stage I was thinking "please, just stop talking, NOW!"

Should I let that scare me? NOPE! They tried to scare us a few times but I try to not that push me down. I know I could be prepared heaps better but I feel that i was able to bullshit my way thru a lot of stuff so why not now....we probably do know a fair bit, its just being nervous, that will go away. Ohoh I hope my strategy of "just" staying calm, breath properly when u think u dont know anything (as usual, no time for thinking, cos everything is ON THE SPOT) and it will just come to you. Im confident....uhm....trying to be :)

Right now, i have an hour break until we start with the first division, for me cardio-respiratory. We will get our first case. So this type of teaching with the SPs implies paid actors that simulate a patient. Today we start with 5 ppl in a group and one patient, tomorrow 3 and by wednesday its one on one. We will get thru 7 cases this week, thats huge. So we do that all day, 8-5 pm, then have to fill out the workbook for that case ie lots of clinical reasoning questions etc, then have to prepare for the next case(s) and ideally also keep revising cos we will never know enough. Thanks! Well, I skip the stress of the first night and go to work. And now I will cram as much information in my head as possible.

Dear friends, keep your phones on to receive a call from a frustrated crying anna "I wanna go hooooooooooooome, i cant do this anymore" Well, no, I am confident I will be fine, gotta be, as it has been the last 3 years, failing is just not an option, easy as =) I do think I will cry at some stage tho, but thats acceptable as every lecturer keeps telling us. Its just a normal progress towards being a full time professional dealing with people problems. What I am real scared of, is, getting attached to patients, especially kids with terminal diseases....oh lord....but we will have a few lectures on how to cope with that soon. Ok enough of bla bla, I really have to study now, lol, half an hour before we start....thumbs up anna banana ;) I will keep u posted! Wish me good luck please, i sooo need it.

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