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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Sunday, November 15, 2009


ok I thought I am a very clever girl, get up at 6:45, start studying on the balcony at 7, do one session, go for a run at 9am. Well it was already so hot when I went outside that I decided to go bit earlier but still....this happened.

I needed to protocol that, I have NEVER sweat that much IN MY LIFE. U know there are stages of sweating: a bit under your arms, a bit on other spots, then u get to the point where the sweating stains actually decide to like each other and they "mingle" all over on your shirt :) then comes the level where your skin is shiny everywhere followed by having droplets sitting on your forearms, forehead and I dont wanna know where else :-P and THEN there is the stage where u just drip, not only from your head tho, from everywhere, that was me. I could not believe how much i was sweating, I could have watered plans....I'm was an orchestra of "drop drop drop"- although i might have killed them cos when I licked over my lips I nearly died from a salt shock, I was massively dehydrated. The run itself was still ok tho, not too hard at all but I did pace myself and did a longer but low intensity run. Anyway, that was my start of my second last study day today, I was quite impressed. And the pic above is the result, omg so sweaty, sun kissed skin, wet ALL over, big 1.5 litre water belly and red face but i always get that anyway.

Haha on Friday I went to gym before work and i didnt give myself enough time to cool down so I looked like a tomato for like an hour and the chefs were just making jokes of me, they could have served me right with the spaghetti, Im not kidding, thats how bad it was. Well I just spent like 10 minutes in the cold room, that helped a little. I see it from the bright side, I have good circulation in my face SCOOORE, haha!

And now I just came back from a swim from a friends place who lives around the corner, too hot to study today and what would be a better break than a swim, exactly, nothing. Ok but NOW im back to study, so enough stories about sweating. I know thats random but it was an experience which the world MUST know, hehe. Ok back to cardiorespiratory prac techniques....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

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