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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Endspurt 3rd year

Wow it is so hard to believe but I am so close to be finished with the "theoretical" part of my studies. That is just amazing. Where did the time go? I should have ALL the information in my brain, theoretically, haha, to treat any patient, which is obviously unrealistic because we will learn most by being out there and being exposed to the real stuff but still, it is quite a big step from here on. I have only 4 big exams this year, really not much for us at all, we used to have like 7-8 but 4 is just normal and I dont mind to be just normal :)

I will have to revise a s**** load before I can continue to 4th year so I will have to bring my notes but because my luggage allowance is obviously restricted I had to come up with a plan which implied getting my notes binded, well, at least the very important subjects, I only did like half of the subjects but everything is so organized now, real proud and feel really nerdy :-P So I will just take a few of these massive booklets home...

I had the big cardio respiratory theroy exam today and it went good I think. This is the hardest subject because it is all the theory that is behind treating patient in ICU which is A LOT considering that they often are between life and death and really usually are not that stable and connected to a million machines and at risk of a lot of conditions WHICH we all have to know and understand. SO many numbers and safety issues, precautions, contraindications, side effects bla bla bla but I think I will appreciate it when I see a patient who is not feeling very well and I have to try and improve his status.

Anyway, I have another exam on friday, which is prac exam for cervical spine, again a tough one, especially technique wise, soooo hard and we are not really good at it yet, AT ALL, but it will be enough to get through the exam. I am a bit worried about that one but we'll see. T

hen next week Wednesday it is cardio-respiratory prac exam so that applying all the exercises and machines to the critical ill patient. That should be ok, not rocket science especially once u understand the theory behind it, just again, a shit load of safety issues you have to consider and if you forget, FAIL. Thats scarry but a clear head and being calm is my recipe for approaching these sort of exams. Stressing out just makes u inaccurate und forget things so OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :) We even ventilate patients, manually with a bag. In the exam we have a dummy and gloves and the O2, an assitant all the tubes etc and then we are actually allowed to disconnect an unconsciuos patient from his oxygen, connect the bag and then manually inflate him with the technique we think suits him ie lung compliance, rate, pressure, hold, release etc meaning I AM MANUALLY giving this patient O2, and if i stop squeezing the bag or if i forget to press that valve at the correct timing with the other hand he DOES NOT GET OXYGEN?? that freaks me out. Or we put a tube down to his lungs, attach to a machine that create negative pressure, additionally create a suction rhythm by opening and closing valve with thumb, and then while doing all this slowly drawing the tube out and thus removing secretions. This has to happen within 15 seconds because in that technique the patient does not get any oxygen, even scarrier. BUT GOOD FUN too, really exciting stuff. And you have to wear the whole surgical gown, glasses, gloves and then a sterile glove on top of the other one and then u cant touch anything otherwise u contaminate it but the inside of the package with the catheter or the catheter itself. I tell you, thats so hard with all the tubes, coordination required and BANG already contaminated with something. In the exam we can say that we contaminated and we wont fail but we have to recognize it cos u cant put a tube down someones throat that is not 100% sterile obviously.

Ok so much to that and then on thursday we have a bla bla exam about community based physio. bla bla bla. havent even looked at it. Will only read thru the lecture notes the day before, havent even printed all of them due to absence....*räusper*, ohoh, but that should be easy. AND THEN I AM DONE AND DONESKY!!!!!!!!!!

ONLY exciting stuff to come:
thursday after exam straight to pool party
at noon to croquet party all in white of course (remember, they play that in alice in wonderland) including eating and drinking and drinking and celebrating
at night just heading into town straight from the croquet club
I will meet up with my work people for a dinner with BYO (bring your own alcohol/drinks)
and then after go out too and meet up with my peers again

move house, clean room, trying to get organized, move everything to ryans garage and my car loaded up with stuff to friends place where it will celebrate xmas wihtout me :( sorry annamobil II
@ night 21st birthday partyyyyy

Gold Coast tournament
@ night another big birthday party back in brissie

hopefully still in the comp and playing ball at the goldie
@ night dinner with ryan's dad
will stay with Ryan from Friday on (thats at least my plan, hopefully i can manage it all that way)
and Monday morning I will fly out at 8 so that will be early morning again

THEN i will just CHILLAAAAAXXXXXXXXXX on the plane, eat and watch movies WOP WOP cannot wait. I like flying because noone disturbs you, no phone, no internet, just yoursef with food and entertainment. I LIKE

I will stop over in Seoul and a mate from uni (austrian) is on the same plane and stays in asia for a while THUS he is taking me out in Seoul for that night, then i go back to the provided hotel, eat and sleep (haha again) and fly out to Frankfurt the next morning

honestly HOW AWESOME IS THAT?? only 3 exams are in the way and I seriously should study now. Therefore, I stop bubbling and say SEE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOON! MWUAHHH!!

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