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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oktoberfest in Brisbane

may i introduce u to the main actor in this play: .....misteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer beeeeeeeer!!!

Willkommen to oktoberfest 09 at Niall's, Eva's and Anna's house. One day we decided we should have a party, just like that because we never had a proper houseparty before and we are splitting up in Decembre when we all move out. Ok so I organised a keg of beer from work and the so calles miracle box which made it quite easy to tab and pour the beer. Had hardly any wastage. I did get a big lesson at work tho what to connect where and how and how to adjust the pressure and what to do with the gas and how to cool the beer bla bla bla.

Now listen carefully, I put the huge keg, the miracle box and that massive thing of gas bottle into MY tiny little annamobil II. So funny cos everyone in the hotel knew about my oktoberfest and was offering their help so that in the end I had 4 people from all different departments from work trying to fit everything in the car and store it so it wouldnt roll or EXPLODE....they were like to each other "would u take that gas bottle home in THAT car?" and the other guy shook his head. im like "come on guys...thats not very encouraging, help me securing it so i WONT BLOW UP!" i have to say, i was sweating up a stoooooorm while i was driving home with the anticipation of having the keg rolling on the bottle, me crashing the car and....well i wont even go there cos .... it was all good but a huge adventure for me at that time. And my car ist just a GUN! good work my little sweetpea :)

thats a part of our downstairs area underneath the house. there is like one higher level with two car spots to the left and then another two spots on the bottom. we are standing on the backstairs going up to our kitchen. everything was nicely decorated and our set up was pretty good too i think. have lots of old couches and chairs and stuff and we actually have sooo much room for a lot of people. perfect place fort parties!

that was our dancefloor at once stage and we had our other "area" on the top level in the next hour, haha

patrick and me, friend from physio....thumbs up for his dress up

Eva, Niall and me in front of our keg, steins and "willkommen" sign (3/4 of our shared house, nicole wasnt there, but she is not interested in these sort of things...)

BBQ master... his costume looked so cute. so authentic with his figure and beard :-P

Jared and Jason with us girls

Bretzen....well kind of...not the real stuff but close enough. We also had lots of Gummibärchen as dessert and german "humbaba" music. Very authentic =)

Our motto of the night was "the four B's, beer, bretzen, boobs and bratwurst" LOL and i introduced the handle rule stating that the first sip u take from your beer has to be so much that when u tip the stein on the handle nothing tips over....i think that could partly the reason why everyone got so smashed. oh well, thats what happens, just like on the real oktoberfest

our food table with big green mixed salad, potatoe salad, nürnberger bratwürste, mustard and bread rolls and NO BBQ sauce, hehe...must have been hard for the aussies.. the steins that are holding the cutlery are REAL ones from Papa. He gave them to Ryan as a present.

I found a german restaurant that actually produce their own meat and bread. He is a butcher and praised his nürnberger rostbratwürste on his menu so i asked him if i could buy a whole lot cos im having an oktoberfest. So i got 5 kilos and i have to admitt, they tasted bloody awesome, real real, soooooo happy about that. I could finally show what REAL sausages are meant to taste like since here, the major ingredient is rubbish and fat, nothing compared to the stuff from home. AND everyone loved it, SCOOOORE! I should become a saleswoman, everything I promote, is usually successfull, even in the restaurant, when I tell the customers the daily specials, they very often have the whole menu of specials and I always convince everyone to have garlic bread to start and dessert or coffee to finish.

Sara and me

Michael, Ryan's former flatmate, Ryan with his Deutschland scarve and Mandy, a good friend from Volleyball. In 2006 we cought up with her in Klagenfurt for the World Championships of Beachvolleyball

Mark, one of my supervisor/team leaders from work, but also good friend and now also ryan's flatmate. I organized that and now he is living in an awesome shared house with amazing view, really nice place and really nice people. Uhm...ja...and wearing Niall's head, I think the bear is got INTO my head as well then lol.

afterparty in a club for the strong crew that was still standing, in comparison to a few others who didnt even make it out or had to leave the club 10 mins after we arrived, is that right, eva? here we have Sara's little sis Hayley and Agneska, Eva's friend from Norway who is staying with us for 2 months travelling around an enjoying summer in Oz AND cooking for us when we come home, very handy. Nuh just kidding..what a crazy night, I tell ya!! Super succesfull and everyone had soo much fun!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Diese kleinen niedlichen Dinger werden Eva und mir öfters mal zum Verhängnis. Jägerbombs, Jägermeister dumped in RedBull...das schmeckt halt wirklich super gut und haut dich aber auch ganz schön um. Sobald Eva ein bissl betrunken ist, kommt der Standard Satz "Anna, come on, lets get jager bombs" Und das passiert dann auch meist.

Sooo witzig, der Typ auf dem Bild ist der Sohn meines Boss' vom Hotel, also nicht nur vom Restaurant sonderm vom kompletten Hotel. Raymond mag ich ziemlich und ich komm voll gut mit ihm aus. Naja aufjedenfall in der Nacht haben wir Raymond und seinen Sohn in dem einen Club getroffen. Warum nicht, Anna betrinkt sich mit ihrem obersten Chef, LOL, und das ging dann aufs "Haus" sprich ich hätte gar nicht nein sagen können. Das war eine Nacht wo ich doch auch mal recht betrunken war denn normalerweise halt ich mich zurück oder trink gar nicht, wir gehen aber ja sehr selten weg. Eine Erfahrung mehr, Party mit meinem 40 odd something Chef. Da ich in Deutsch schreibe, kann ich die Geschichte auch noch zu ende erzählen, cheaky cheaky....Eva hat seinen Sohn dann auch gleich mal abgeschleppt....LOL times 1000....

Me, Michael (auch Physio Student, einer der älteren Sorte mit seinen 28 Jahren) und Eva und unsere Gesichter sprechen wohl für sich selbst, und das war im ersten Club wo wir waren....haha

German style Fathersday in Australia

jaja, look at these goodies. Ryan and me prepared this MASSIVE breakfast a la Papa (as Ryan would say since he experienced our passion for big brekkies at home with my dad) We had everything and some very special things like Brezen...finally found a place that sells them, German immigrants that have a big bakery and are super successful around the corner from Ryans new place. So exciting =) We also got proper breadrolls there, cos u wont believe it but even that very simple food is different here.

We also got German Leberwurst from that German bakery, another highlight, especially for Ryans Dad cos he loves it a lot. Danishes and Croissants must not miss either. Melon and Ham, something they apparently dont know in Oz, lots of fruit, joghurt, nuts, breakky eggs, jam, was a feast and I could barely walk after because obviously I had to try everything.

Both Ryan and me went out the night before and only got to bed by 5 o clock and were still drunk when we got up, lol, and then had to organize all that food only 3 hours later...bit of a challenge but we made it and I think it was a pretty successful present.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


cant believe it but we are already in week 8 again from our 6th and pretty much last semester. where did the time go? so it got serious at uni again, unfortunately, and we had two prac exams last week which were quite easy, cardio respiratory theory today which was really really hard :( but thats a subject where lots of people fail so really, what did i expect, not sure how i did in that. just hope i got thru cos my gut feeling is getting worse and worse the more i think about it...therefore, i just wipe it out- GONE =)

next tuesday we have two exams on one day, uhm is it too hard to spread 4 exams on four different days?? and they are both 40% holy i will be studying 24/7 for the next few days. Well kinda, i will still train and work obviously but not too much fun elsewhere...

except....yeaaaahh....oktoberfest at our house on friday =) got a keg from work, dress from a friend....lets party. cant wait. will post the pics! i know we really should concentrate on uni and devote our weekend for studies but...hey...dont be so harsh ;-)

our facebook event:

Come and celebrate THE German event of the year with an authentic Deutschem Fräulein, beer loving Norwegian, & their Aussie flatmate who has 2 put up with all the European craziness! It will be an event filled with beer, Bier & öl, so get your Lederhosen on & try keep up with European drinking behaviours!

BYO meat & a 6-pack. We will provide yummy beer fresh from the keg, served in a proper Stein + side dishes & nibbles.

So get excited & start training ie Beerfest style!:)

Brisbane Riverfire

Letztes Wochenende hat das Brisbane Festival angefangen und das Highlight ist immer das Riverfire. Durch Brisbane schlängelt sich ja ein langer Fluß und für diese Nacht gibt es ein Feuerwerk in ganz Brisbane von den ganzen Brücken und Kliffen und so. Absolut amazing. Ich habs im Fernsehen nochmal gesehen von oben, und da hat man ALLE raketen gesehen und alles war aufeinander abgestimmt. Schon cool. Außerdem fliegt die F1-11 über die Stadt hinweg (ist ein Kampfflieger) und steigt dann kerzengerade in die Luft und zündet 1000 Liter Benzin hinter sich an :-O Schaut euch mal die Clips an, sind zwar vom letzten Jahr aber ihr kriegt den Eindruck. I like lights and fires and skyline am WASSER....
Sonntag Morgen haben wir ab 10 Uhr bissl trainiert und waren in der Soooonnne, Beachvolleyball, draußen sein, exercise, und danach Nando's for lunch....

i love brisbane =)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mein Reich

ich habe euch glaube ich noch nie mein geliebtes zimmer gezeigt. also das ist ein 360° view von meinem reich. mit wenig mitteln habe ich es mir doch schon ganz schnuggelig eingerichtet.

von der türe....mein improvisiertes "regal" für drucker: zwei umzugcartons die gleichzeitig als stauraum für alte klamotten oder allerlei krusch dienen (was sich selbst hier schon angesammelt hat, bin halt doch eine echte günkel, haha)

mein super comfy bed. also ganz am anfang hatte ich n kleines single bed was ich von ner freundin für 50 dollar gekauft habe. dann konnte aber ryan nie bei mir übernachten, also hab ich das sofa bett von ikea gekauft. das hatte aber nur dünne matratze natürlich und war nach ner zeit nicht mehr so das wahre. so hab ich ne gebrauchte matratze gekauft aber die war auch nicht sooo super comfy weil man hier und da die springs gefühlt hat. bugger...was nun, naja clever wie ich bin, lol, hab ich also die matratze auf das gestell von sofa gelegt und dann DARÜBER die dünne durchgelegene matratze vom sofabed und tadaaa, absolut best bed in the world =) so gut, dass ich immer wieder mal eva dabei erwische wie sie in meinem bed snoooozed.

jaaaaaa, also hier ist mein kleiderständer, schrank hab ich nicht aber brauch ich auch nicht, lol am boden ein keyboard/klavier das mir n freund für ne weile geliehen hat.

die komplette wand ist ein groooßes fenster und ich hab sonne in meinem zimmer von lunch bis sunset, so um 3uhr scheint sie genau auf mein bett und dann snoooze ich immer im sunspot, so wie die katzen das auch immer machen :)

das ist mal ein "richtiges" möbelstück zur abwechslung, na erkennt klarooo....unser gutes altes ivar regal, dunkel gebeizt by anna und schon passt es super in mein dunkelbraun-rot colour scheme. die roten schubladen teile von ikea weil ich ja keine komode habe sür unterwäsche etc.

coffee table von flatmate, super notwendig an genau dieser stelle denn eines nachts macht es ein riesenkrach und sage und schreibe das komplette regal, so wie ihr es seht is SOMEHOW nach rechts gekippt auf mich drauf im schlaf, ich hatte noch nie nen größeren schock gehabt. sehr seltsam denn ich hab es so beladen dass es ne tendency zur wand hat, weiß also nicht wo der plötzliche richtungswechsel herkam. vielleicht ist ja jm eingebrochen oder so.... ne keine ahnung. war aber echt scheiße ums mal genau zu beschreiben, bin soooo erschrocken NOT funny. zum glück ists nur auf meine beine gefallen, sonst hätte es gefährlich werden können. und dann gibts da noch mein supi bean bag, comfy as....und perfekte alternative zu couch oder sessel oder so und sowieso viel cooler ;)

das ist meine kleine home-corner. wie ihr seht habe ich dort ALLE glücksbringer etc die ich jemals von euch bekommen hab. jaja, ich halte alles in ehren unds wenns auch nur n mini anhänger oder so ist.