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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Friday, June 19, 2009

the light....

.... at the end of the tunnel... I can see it :) i am still in the middle of examination period, it has been a full on month, last week of lectures we had our statistics practical exam and had to hold a presentation and hand an assignment in, then a week of stuydying, then first saturday, stats theory, monday neurology theory and prac, thursday lumbar spine theory, friday lumbar spine prac ( i shit my pants this morning b/c its quite tough skill wise and stuff, the spine is not easy and we had to perform it on master students meaning they actually felt the technique and we couldnt just pretend doing and feeling certain things, but was not as scarry as expected-AS ALWAYS.

so thats friday, today, 4 down, 2 to go on monday, pediatrics prac exam, no idea how they wanna do that because obviuosly we dont have any babies or kids to treat? probably more questions than actual hands on examination, and wednesday the pediatrics theory and then i am doooonsky, my fifth semester and i think i can say already, I AM THROUGH, half way of my THIRD year, can you believe it? i only one more semester of lectures and theory and knowledge attaining and then i have to have the skill to go out in the real world and treat patients, scarry AAAASSSSS. i cant even believe i am a third year student anyway, they were the "big kids" when i first started and looked at like this :-OOO haha.

anyway, there is no way i could fail that last subject and i think i did well on everything else so far too, dabdabadabadab [super excited anna doing a funny dance] and on top of that, i dont think it felt that hard. ok i have to admitt i didnt really have much of a life lately, but then on the other hand, i still did heaps of fun stuff, pretty much every day, i didnt study a whole single day, i always did stuff to break it up and i never studied into the night or something stupid like that whereas others look terrible and are grumpy because they only have been studying from early morning thill the next early morning pretty much and stress out heaps...i cant handle that and its never as hard as expected or you perform heaps better not being stressed anyway so why bother being stressed, haha, thats my theory.

i was nervous before the prac exams because its sooo easy to stuff up and there is no time to fix it because u you have to think on the spot but thats exactly when being nervous gets you because your handling becomes inacurate, you forget easy things and the words exiting your mouth dont always make sense either, so take it easy. so good that eva is exactly the same as me in regards to that so it wasnt a stressfull atmosphere here at all during studying and exams, rather better because we always did fun stuff together whereas sara for example she had to leave her house because the other physios she lives with were going crazy and stressing out.

and then for wednesday we all go straight to saras house and to a club/bar at night because its state origin (big footy game on), then on thursday we are on the guest list for some sort of promotion or something at an awesome club and we can drink for free for three hours, ohoh, and then on friday we have the healt allied club (everything related to health sciences from uni) boat cruise, which is a cruise on a big party island along brisbane river with food and drink all u want, prepaid tickets obviously AND THEN.... i wont be funtioning anyway and preferring my bed over everything else i guess :) yay cant wait

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