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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Monday, February 09, 2009

I am coming back to Oz

Look to the left, the countdown is down AGAIN...Tomorrow, it's departure day again. Cant believe how fast the time went by but on the other side, I did soo many things here back home, which I am quite happy about.
Last night we had my farewell dinner with my brother,his girlfriend and Babs, a real bavarian meal with dumplings, red and savoy cabbage and roast pork....yummy :)

My plane goes at half past ten from Munich where I say goodbye to Papa and my autnty. 8 hours to Abu Dhabi, 14 hours over night stopover -not looking forward to that at all :( - then 8 hours to Singapor and 7 to Dubai. I arrive in summer Thursday morning Australian tme or Wednesday night German time.

I was super busy lately thats why I didnt update my page although lots of things happened. I will do that when I arrived in Oz. See some of you guys very soon =)

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