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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I got a very nice farewell present from Dani, a girl from Volleyball. Its a mini mini bottle with lucky cubes in it and a kinda message in a bottle: it says



i read it in the train and that were the best words anybody could have said in that moment! Thank you!

My first weekend back in Oz

There was a QVA (Queensland Beahvolleyball Tour) event on the Sunshine Coast last weekend and I indeed got a partner. Didnt expect that my "integration into the beachvolleyball world" would happen that fast- wicked =) My original partner couldnt play and thus I played with Liz. We became 9th from 15 teams but the double elimination kicked us out. Didnt play too well but regarding that I havent played beach for ages and we havent even meet each other- we actually met on court, funny situation- we did quite well and I am more than happy that I've met her as she is really really nice. She is working for the foundation office of University of Queensland. You remember I would have had to do that foundation year originally, didnt know that they will offer me a spot in such a eminently respectable program straight away- lucky me :) But again, thats a funny coincidence.
Ryan and the other volleyball guys (Beannie and Hubbie, the flatmates, play beach, too) train at Sandstorm, kinda Beachvolleyball academy or club. I trained with them a few times now but yesterday I was at uni for a getting-started-session and trained with Liz there. It's so good to know people everywhere, really helps you to get the most out of your life. For me for instance that I have different options where I can train. Yesterday in training we were 6 people including coach ad 4 werent Australian. I love this meeting people from ALL OVER THE WORLD, awesome!

Ryan and his partner

Broadbeach, the shore as far as you can see- lovely. Does anybody recognize that place? The last time I was here I took similar photos from the awesome appartement we had on the 10th floor or something

just some action photos

Ryan is just black...but even he got burned, well not using sunscreen is not the smartest decision on a hot weekend as it was, it was freakin' hot.

@ volleyballer: you know that guy in the red singlet? He's actually German and lives only 20 km from Nuernberg and he played ebf two years ago, isn't that amazing? his name is Stefan and he played with Erik in Germany and once with Ryno here in Australia AND believe it or not, Ryan met Erik in Germany at a beach comp, it was funny when we closed the circle in our conversation and eventually found out we all know each other. What an coincidence, I couldnt believe it... it's not that you meet somebody in another town, no, on the other side of the world- uhm hello?? But in fact I did think I knew that face but didn't really consider that I might meet a German guy that played the same Beachvolleyballtour in Germany....see, you should trust these weird feelings in your gutt, they're usually right.

Stefan defending

you see the skyscrapers directly at the beach? That's Surfers Paradise

I did use sunscreen but apparently not enough?!?? I have to admitt that I forgot my feet, they were burned as...but on my legs I had these funny red spots, that was weird and hurt. An Aussie told me: the sun will find every single spot you only neglected a little bit or even forgot to cream, that was right. This time's victims were obviously my feet, legs, back and EARS, meanwhile they're pealing- oops. Well I know better now and will see if I am a cooked crab after the coming weekend again. Hopefully not. I will take care

My home in Brissi

I live south of Brisbane in a suburb called Crestmead with Ryan and two other friends in a house
Rathkeale Street

16 Rathkeale Street

our very own palm trees in the garden =)) love'em

this picture is for my brother Felix, the notorious.....S-H-E-D where Ryan used to live for a while but now he's in the house as well

way to shed

view out to the backyard, if you turn right you get to the shed, upfront left the shelter for the cars and right little garden where we put our washing on the line

door to the backyard

dining place left to the kitchen but we never use it :) But we do use our water-tower-station that filtrates the water and keeps it cool, very handy

the kitchen where usually Beannie prepares dinner for us. Everybody has his or now her ;) task in the household, pretty well organized. Indeed, we cook fresh meals everynight, very exemplary, isnt it?

living room right to the kitchen where we spend the most time eating, watching DVD or TV, sleeping, playing games, computer or xbox, chating, listening to music.....whatever normal people just do to relax :)

tv station. fortunately the boys have a shit load of DVDs and pay TV =) At the moment we watch much tennis as the Australian Opens are on and I can finally watch them live.

the aisle with the bathroom, toilet, laundry and our rooms

the bathroom. Even if the whole house is - regarding it's been a male household- unexpectetly clean and tidy, the shower was the only place that needed a female hand though. I spent two hours cleaning the bloody shower....well :)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

impressions of Taipei

one temple in the middle of the city

very detailed ornaments in the temples

even if all these places look very neat and tidy, the majority of the city is pretty dirty. So being outside of the temples and official buildings it's not a very nice place. Only spend a couple of hours there but that was my first impression

that was a MASSIVE building, just huuge. I couldnt even take a photo until i was 300metres away from it. As far as I can remember that was a monument for a politician that saved Taipei of becoming communist, pretty impressive.
I've also seen the highest skyscraper in the world, but I cant find the picture. 508 metres up in the sky, very very high......

Hi all

Nur ein kleiner Testpost....