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Where you end up depends on where you choose to go

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Aussie Ryan in the German snow

mein Schatz und ich :-*


I'm daaaaaaaaaaancing in the "snow", daaaaaaaaaaancing in the "snow"

uhm...Ryan...not tooo sure if you should sit on a snow covered is a garden and outdoor furniture but it's also kinda winter :-P good shot though!

my funny outfit, I did that on purpose, haha, just for a quick laugh and some fun shots. Wonderful situation, in my arms of Papa in lots and lots of snow.

Papa and his "great son from Australia" (that's what he always calls him haha)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sleigh riding

On the other day, it was lovely sunny and we wanted to something outside so we went for a sleigh riding- walking through the snow- being child again- hiking up a mountain- trip with Ryan, Papa, my brother and his girlfriend and their friends

I don't think Papa would have expected to sit on a sleigh again, haha, as I said, time to be child again or simply do what you feel like doing :)
Good work, Ryno, gooooooooooo =)

a hard way up but we managed the whole mountain and had nice hot drinks in the hut on top and a rewarding ride down on the sleigh every now and then

the way down, was quite hard and slippery and we had a few falls or rather sliding-down-on- your- bum- and-not-being-able-to-stop-situations :-P

my brother's friend Kollo being very brave...I did it first though, so I was brave too, haha

and here Aussie Ryno on the sleigh, another tick on "what I wanna do once in my life" I think he liked it although the steering didnt work that well yet ;)

Andi (my brother's girlfriend), Felix my brother, Kollo (a friend) and Bianca (a friend and the other friend's girlfriend) haha

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Silvester / New Years

just relaxing before the party

my girls, Co and Chrissi- soo good to finally spent some time with them again. We used to spent every single weekend in our youth together so it was quite hard when we all separated to go our own ways but we always find back together,yay!

the crew

how to feed everyone? Selfmade pizza was planned but we didnt have enough so we improvised and made some pasta bake

friends, food, drinks...everyone together and everyone happy =)

Co, Kim and Chrissi -we all used to play in a team, good old times :)

special punch, cinammon, wine, fresh juices in the bottom and a sugar cone drenched with rum on the top that gets lit so that the caramelised rum-sugar drops down. A specialty for new years

We also did some lead-pouring. You have to melt it over a candle first and then pour it into water and interpret the figure. This predicts your future, also a tradition

And what couldn't miss either? "Dinner for one" we all watched it and it was funny as always, "the same procedure every year, james" =)

the morning after.... Kim and Marco volunteered to prepare omelette for everyone

yahay...such an awesome crew...thanks guys, I had heaps of fun!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Snowboarding with the Volleyball crew


night out for dinner in a lonely restaurant on top of a mountain. we tried to get up with the car but got stuck and had to slowly slide down in reverse, super scarry. we ended up walking up and it was quite slipperly, we all had to walk so carefully and especially elke had some difficulties with her high heels, haha

something different

my girls

sunbaking, having beer, glühwein and hot chocolate, could it get any better? no!

everyone who has been skiing or snowboarding that it is the absolut best feeling ever to get out of your boots....mine made troubles and i couldnt get out until the evening because sth was stuck, we took it apart and i finally got out...bit scarry, stuck in a snowboard boot, no thanks

the best crew ever

another lunch break on the hut out in the sun

the sunset over the mountains

all the snowboarder, and aussie ryan in the middle WOW

sexy hexy in the long skiing underwear on the car park haha

Co and me

lunch break on a hut...was so sunny we were sunbaking in chairs... best ever!!!

like this shot with the two yellow cabins

we had the best weather on every single day, so super lucky. couldnt get enough of the view

we could see sooooooo far, absolutely stunning- on top of the world :-O

Friday, January 02, 2009

Some X-mas impressions

our christmas tree in our room with the open fire place

Papa and Papa's Papa ;)

Opa chopping all the salad

snow snow snow

baking cookies

yummy yummy yummy....this is christmas, isn't it?

preparing our traditional Italian salad with Opa Günkel on the first Christmas day

Sparkling Italian salad decorated nicely with my nieces Lisa and Leonie-Anna und nephew Max-Kim

Happy Anna with her new camera from Ryan, Thanks Schatz =)